Fireplace and Chimney Services in Ramsey County, MN by 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc.
2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. provides comprehensive chimney and fireplace services in Ramsey County, MN. No matter your needs—chimney sweeping, fireplace/chimney inspections, or any type of repair—you can count on our certified technicians to handle the job with speed and professionalism. Our staff is always glad to answer any of your questions, so feel free to call us. Let us know how we can help you keep a happy home with a warm hearth.
2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. offers chimney sweeping, repair and inspections, and dryer vent cleaning services in the Ramsey County, MN area.
In Need of a Professional Chimney Sweep?
A chimney sweep is not an old-fashioned or outdated occupation: it is still a vital part of maintaining a fireplace in a home and keeping everyone in the household safe. 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. has a staff of certified chimney sweeps who will handle the regular cleaning your chimney and fireplace require to clear them of creosote, animal nests, and other damage and obstructions that can lead to improper venting and even chimney fires. The next time you need to schedule chimney cleaning or fireplace cleaning, look to our two generations of experience in Ramsey County, MN to do the job. We have many years of experience in providing chimney sweeping service to residents of this town.
Call Us if You Need a Chimney or Fireplace Inspection
Chimneys and fireplaces must have regular inspections to see that they are safe. This requires more than a fast visual check: you need certified chimney inspectors to handle the work. 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. has a team of professionals who are certified with the Chimney Safety Institute of America to provide Level 1-3 inspections. (Which level of inspection your chimney and fireplace require depends on whether they have experienced any recent issues or new installation.) The inspection will look over the flu lining, masonry, damper, firebox, and more. Let us help you protect your home and family in Ramsey, MN with our professional inspection services.
Do You Need Chimney Repair in Ramsey County?
Although a fireplace and its chimney may appear almost indestructible, nothing could be further from the truth. Fireplaces and chimneys can sustain damage from weather conditions, creosote fires, debris, water, and the most dangerous force of all: time. If you think you need repairs for your chimney and fireplace, call on 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc., and we will take care of cracked fireboxes, broken dampers, or anything else that might impair your fireplace and create a hazard for your home and family in Ramsey County, CA.
We Even Offer Dryer Vent Cleaning
You might not think of the hose that leads from your clothes dryer out to an outside vent as a source of problems. But lint-clogged dryer vents are a leading cause of house fires in the country each year. The clothing fibers caught in the vent are easily flammable, and the high temperatures from the dryer can sometimes cause them to ignite. Clogging in the vent also will lead to a dryer that doesn’t dry clothes as well as it should. Stay safe and keep your clothing dry in Ramsey County, MN with the dryer vent cleaning services from 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc..