The most important heating safety reminder we can give you is to have an annual chimney inspection by one of our Minneapolis chimney technicians. This will reduce the chances of hazards by eliminating any hidden safety concerns. No matter what type of heating system you own, always hire a heating contractor you can trust, such as 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. to perform an annual tune-up or chimney inspection in Minneapolis.
If you have ductwork in your home, it’s a good idea to routinely vacuum out your vents and make sure the vents are not damaged. This will ensure that there’s proper airflow and remove any excess dust or other particles that could eventually damage your system. Make sure you have a working carbon monoxide detector in your home if you have a gas heating system or gas logs. If you have a boiler, check for leaks, corrosion, or other damages.
On gas boilers, furnaces and gas logs, make sure you know how to locate and light the pilot light. Check your owner’s manual or call a heating professional if you don’t. The pilot light should burn blue and steady. If it is yellow, orange, or the flame flickers, call one of our chimney experts to troubleshoot the issue. If you have a wood-burning stove or fireplace, make sure you know what type of wood to burn, and always burn seasoned wood that has been drying for at least six months.
Every home should have a working smoke detector. Test your smoke detector occasionally to make sure it is working. Change the batteries at least once a year, even if they are not dead. If you remove the detector to test it or change the batteries, make sure you know how to properly reinstall the device. This is an important safety device designed to protect you and your home.
Call the Minneapolis chimney specialists at 2nd Generation Chimneys if you have any questions about heating safety. Call today if you have not scheduled your annual chimney inspection and cleaning. Contact 2nd Generation Chimneys!