2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘St. Paul MN’

Have You Scheduled a Chimney Inspection?

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

chimney-needs-repairSummer is in full swing and it isn’t likely that you are going to be using your fireplace and chimney for the next several months. With that said, this doesn’t mean that your chimney should be completely off your mind. Much like checking on a car that hasn’t been used for a few months to ensure it is still in working condition, you should want to make sure that your fireplace and chimney aren’t deteriorating while not in use.

This time of year is actually when you want to take the time to schedule a chimney inspection. After all, getting a professional out to check on your chimney when you aren’t using it and don’t need it makes things a lot easier for both you and the technician!

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Why Should I Schedule Chimney Cleaning in the Spring?

Monday, April 4th, 2016

Many homeowners don’t think about the importance of having their chimney cleaned in the spring, if at all. But given the workout your fireplace gets during our cold winters, it makes sense that this is something that should be a top priority. Don’t wait until you need to use your fireplace next fall to schedule a chimney cleaning appointment: here are some reasons you should schedule this for spring.

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What Is a Level 1 Chimney Inspection?

Friday, March 20th, 2015

Without a clean and properly working chimney, your fireplace won’t operate as needed; it could also be possibly dangerous to operate. This is one of the reasons why it is important to schedule an annual chimney cleaning, also known as a Level 1 inspection. The experts at 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc., have the qualifications and training to conduct any kind of chimney inspection for your St. Paul, MN, home, as well as repair, installation and maintenance for your entire fireplace and chimney. If it’s been more than 12 months since your last chimney inspection, call us today and schedule an appointment.

What Happens During the Inspection?

During a Level 1 inspection, the technician inspects all of the readily-visible parts of your chimney and fireplace, including the firebox, damper and smoke chamber on the inside and the crown, cap and condition of the chimney on the outside. The goal of this inspection is to find any existing problems both with the inside and outside of your chimney and fireplace, including any structural issues, problems with the masonry and problems with drafting. Once the inspection is completed, the cleaning process will begin. Your entire chimney will be scoured with a rotating brush that removes the soot, ash and creosote, and all these combustion byproducts will be permanently removed using professional-grade vacuums. If any serious problems were discovered during the inspection process, you’ll be notified immediately.

Why Schedule Inspection?

The first reason you should schedule an annual inspection is for safety. A malfunctioning fireplace and/or chimney can be extremely dangerous, with the worst case scenario being the development of a chimney fire. A second reason chimney inspections are important is that they help your chimney operate as they should. Chimneys do two things at once: they expel the toxic byproducts of combustion while also bringing the right amount of air to feed the fire; if this balance is off in any way, your fireplace and chimney will experience problems.

We bring years of experience to every chimney inspection we do in St. Paul, MN, so Call Us Today! 612.922.9600 or 1-888-PIXLEYS

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