2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Fireplace Maintenance’

Fireplace Safety Tips for Winter

Monday, October 29th, 2018

chimney-cleaningA lot of people in this part of the country love winter. Others simply tolerate it. Others may loathe it, but stick around for the many positive elements of life here in Minnesota has to offer. Regardless of where you stand on the matter of the season itself, though, you have to admit that a great heating system is integral to your enjoyment of the winter weather. While few homeowners use their fireplaces as their sole heat source, many use them daily to supplement their heating.

As effective as fireplaces can be in heating one’s home, a major part of their appeal is the ambiance and soothing nature of having a roaring fire contained safely in the hearth. “Safely” is the key word there. Remember, you’re still dealing with an open flame in a home largely constructed of wood and filled with combustible materials. That is why we want to give you some tips for using your fireplace in Edina, MN safely this winter.

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Burning the Right Wood in Your Fireplace

Monday, January 9th, 2017

Choosing the wrong firewood can result in an inefficient winter—and you may run out of fuel quickly. Alternatively, the wrong firewood may mean the fire does not burn hot enough, or there could even be a serious safety issue.

Make sure you have the right firewood, seasoned appropriately, to get you through the winter (or reconsider using the fireplace!).

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3 Things Responsible Wood-Burning Fireplace Owners Do

Monday, June 8th, 2015

A wood-burning stove or fireplace adds a decorative touch to a room and can provide a warm, cozy area for family to gather. But many people do not always use their wood-burning appliances properly, which can lead to dangerous conditions as well as reduced efficiency. Responsible wood-burning stove and fireplace owners are conscious of the type of wood they burn, the way they build a fire, and how often they schedule service. See why this is in our guide.

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