2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘chimney repair’

Your Damper Is Important All Year Long

Monday, August 16th, 2021

The way that the modern fireplace and chimney are set up ensures you can enjoy this part of your home without it posing a risk to your health or safety. This is a far cry from fireplaces throughout history that left smokey residue on ceilings and filled rooms with harmful gas.

Part of the reason that fireplaces are so much safer and more reliable now is due to the way they are structured. A vital part of this structure is the damper. The role the damper plays in your use of your fireplace is a highly important one. This makes it just as important to make sure to address issues with your damper with prompt chimney repair in St. Paul, MN.

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Don’t Ignore Chimney Problems, Even In Summer

Monday, June 21st, 2021

We are rounding into the summer season. That means warm days and nights and likely very little time wanting to be spent by the fire. So, you’ve (hopefully) closed the damper and shut the grill to give your fireplace a break for a few months. Done and dusted right?

Not quite.

While you may not be using your chimney or fireplace for a little while it would be a good idea to still pay attention to how this part of your home is doing. Let’s say you already got your fireplace cleaned and pristine. Great. How is that chimney doing? If you neglect it for several months without checking for any outstanding problems, you may be in trouble come fall.

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Do You Need a Chimney Cap?

Monday, March 29th, 2021

Whether you have a gas fireplace or a wood-burning fireplace, you are going to have a chimney. There may be gas fireplaces out there made to function without a chimney, but these are still far less common than ones that do use chimneys.

Your chimney plays an important role in keeping your home safe. This is because it is responsible for siphoning gas and smoke out of your home, rather than allowing it to fill the room the fireplace is in. Keeping your chimney in good condition is important for your safety and your comfort–and a chimney cap can help you with this.

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Chimney Flue Troubles Shouldn’t Be Ignored

Monday, February 1st, 2021

When you look at a chimney made of bricks, would you imagine that there is another component inside of it that is vital to the whole system? Chances are that unless you’ve dealt with a chimney flue before, you may not realize that the chimney is nearly the exterior “covering.”

Today’s chimneys have a tube within them known as a flue. This part is vital to your ability to use your fireplace safely and easily. As you can imagine, you’d want to reach out for help from an expert when something goes wrong with your chimney flue. Here is why a problem with your flue is well worth a call to professionals to schedule chimney repair in Minneapolis, MN.

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5 Tips for Holiday Fireplace & Chimney Safety

Monday, December 21st, 2020

Who doesn’t like to enjoy a nice warm fire when celebrating the holidays? Whether it is just yourself and your immediate family members at home, or you are having some guests over to celebrate over dinner, a good fire in the fireplace makes the mood that much nicer and warmer.

With that said, we want to make sure that nothing goes wrong while you are enjoying yourselves or after the festivities are over. There are several things that you should know to do in order to keep your home safe when it comes to your fireplace and chimney use. Using these tips, you should be able to enjoy a safe and warm season without worrying about trouble from your fireplace.

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Why is My Chimney Leaking?

Monday, October 26th, 2020

Things are cooling off which makes it the perfect time to enjoy a warm mug of tea and a book by the fireplace. At least, it would be if your chimney wasn’t letting water and cold air leak into your home.

This is already a bothersome situation and we don’t want to make it worse but we want you to know, a leaking chimney is a problem. In fact, if your chimney is leaking it means you need to reach out to our team for chimney repair in Minneapolis, MN as soon as you can. We can help you figure out what is causing this issue and get it resolved as well.

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When To Call For Repairs: A Drafty Chimney

Monday, February 3rd, 2020

cold-manYour chimney is very obviously a vital part of your fireplace system. Without it, the smoke and debris created by your fire would go into your house rather than being filtered outside, putting you and your loved ones at risk. With that said, however, it is possible for your chimney to become a detriment to your comfort when it is actually supposed to be a benefit.

In our last blog, we discussed the problems that can occur when your damper is stuck. This time we want to address what it means when your chimney is letting cold air into your home and why it is a definite sign that you should reach out for repair services. A broken damper may very well be a partial cause of the problem but we want to make sure you know what else might be causing a draft in your home.

Obviously chimneys and fireplaces age and start to break down over time. This is why we suggest getting a chimney inspection in Minneapolis, MN and scheduling repairs sooner than later so issues don’t have a chance to worsen and create a bigger job than you originally expected. Make sure you reach out to us for assistance ASAP if you have a drafty chimney!

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Got an Old Chimney? Be On the Lookout For These Problems!

Monday, September 30th, 2019

snowy-chimneyThere’s a reason we’ve decided to build our chimney out of brick and mortar — they’re sturdy as heck! In fact, with the right care and attention, a masonry chimney can last well over 100 years, which is certainly a long time!

If you want your chimney to last for years and years to come, it’s important to be aware of the problems that may occur and that you address them right away! In fact, there are a number of common problems that older chimneys face, and below, we have listed them for you. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more! (And, of course, remember to contact us for your chimney repair in Minneapolis, MN!)

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Chimney Leaking? Here’s Why!

Monday, August 5th, 2019

chimney-masonry-worn-brickOof! We know just how troubling a leaky chimney can be! Water damage of that sort can be costly to repair and it can certainly put a damper on your budget! And, more importantly, any excess water entering your home can create a health risk for you and your family. Therefore, it really is important to know why chimney leaks happen in the first place!

There are several reasons why chimneys begin to leak, and being aware of these causes can help you avoid the problem altogether. So, we have listed just some of these reasons for you below! All you’ve got to do is keep reading (and, of course, remember to contact our team when you need chimney repair in St. Paul, MN.)

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3 Chimney Repairs to Have Done This Summer

Monday, May 27th, 2019

Winter is far behind us now — no more worrying about snow, shoveling, and keeping warm. So of course, it is likely that you won’t find yourself thinking too much about your fireplace or your chimney. But of course, our job is to tell you that you should be thinking about these things — it won’t be too long before cool weather returns. (Sorry!)

Now is perhaps the best time to take care of any outstanding chimney repairs that you may have. Trust us, when temperatures start to drop, you’ll be glad you scheduled your services early! Below, we have listed 3 common repairs our technicians would be happy to make for you this spring or summer. Keep reading to find out more! 

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