2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘chimney inspections’

We Use the Chim-Scan System for Chimney Inspections

Monday, December 5th, 2016

We want you to have a safe and happy holiday season. But an uninspected chimney can be a serious barrier to this. Spending the holidays around a warm, welcoming fire may seem like the perfect family time, but hidden dangers could lurk in the chimney and fireplace.

Routine chimney cleaning is a good way to protect your home, but it’s nothing without a complete inspection before and after. Call our team for more information about chimney cleaning services, and find out why we use the Chim-Scan video scanner below.

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Think You’re Ready to Use Your Fireplace? Do This First!

Monday, January 4th, 2016

You’ve gone all season without using your fireplace. But as temperatures continue to drop, the holidays wind down, and snow falls around your home, you feel compelled to enjoy a cozy night relaxing near the fire.

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Minneapolis FAQ: What is the Difference Between Creosote and Level 3 Creosote?

Monday, October 8th, 2012

Many of our customers in Minneapolis have asked about level 3 creosote and how it differs from normal creosote build-up, so we’ve created a helpful post to explain the difference and how to prevent level 3 creosote. Don’t hesitate to call 2nd Generation Chimneys any time if you have further questions. We’re here to provide you with all your Minneapolis chimney needs, so call today!

What is Creosote?

Creosote is a natural by-product of burning wood inside your fireplace or wood stove. Any type of wood-burning application will create some level of creosote build-up inside the chimney flue. Depending on the type of wood you use and the ventilation inside your home, creosote can build up quickly inside your flue lining. Regular chimney cleanings should take care of any normal build-up, but if your chimney hasn’t been inspected or cleaned in a while, the creosote creates a thick, gummy substance that is more difficult to get rid of. This is categorized as “level 3 creosote,” and it can cause potential fire hazards and corrosion of your chimney liner.

Ways to Prevent Level 3 Creosote Build-up

Annual chimney and fireplace inspections are a good way to prevent level 3 creosote. Scheduling an inspection before the heating season begins is ideal for a few reasons, namely because our chimney technicians can detect and clean out any Level 3 creosote from inside your chimney. In many cases, using chemicals is one of the only ways to get rid of this type of build-up. Ask your technician if you have concerns or questions. In addition to fire hazards, moisture inside the chimney is a common problem, especially if your masonry chimney has cracks, or your chimney cap is not properly installed. When moisture gets inside your flue liner and mixes with creosote build-up, it can create a chemical that can start to corrode the lining.

Wood-Burning Tip

Another important tip to remember is toburn the right type of wood. If you are burning “green” or wet wood, it can create more creosote build-up due to the nature of the unseasoned wood. “Seasoned” wood is wood that has been dried out for at least six months in a proper location. Always try to dry your wood in a covered area, where moisture cannot penetrate the wood pile. If you have questions, call us.

Contact the Minneapolis chimney technicians 2nd Generation Chimneys today to schedule your next chimney inspection. We can help prevent safety concerns with a Level 1. 2. or 3 inspection. Call us any time to schedule an appointment.

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