2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Chimney Inspection’

The Benefits of Regular Chimney Cleanings

Monday, June 10th, 2019

We know, we know: it’s Spring…why should you even be thinking about your chimney when you’re aren’t going to be using your fireplace at all over the next few months?

Well, we are here to tell you that NOW is the perfect time to schedule your chimney cleaning services if you haven’t done so already. Regular chimney cleaning in St. Paul, MN is important for a number of reasons. First of all, it’s quite important for your safety. And secondly, regular chimney cleanings help to protect your home and your wallet from costly repairs!

In case you aren’t yet convinced, keep reading below. We have listed just some of the many reasons why you should schedule your chimney cleaning this Spring.

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Spring is the Best Time for a Sweeping!

Monday, May 13th, 2019

Spring has sprung! The birds are chirping, the bees are buzzing, and homeowners all across the country are starting their spring cleaning extravaganza! Now is the perfect time to clean out your garage, sort through your summer clothes, and get rid of the stockpile nick-nacks that have accumulated in your home. Oh, and don’t forget! Now is the perfect time to schedule your chimney sweeping services!

If you haven’t already, be sure to schedule your chimney cleaning in Minneapolis as soon as possible! Spring is the perfect time to invest in these services, and if you keep reading below, we will explain why! So, what are you waiting for?

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Your Warm Weather Chimney Repair Check List

Monday, April 15th, 2019

Spring is finally here, which means that summer is right around the corner. Of course, that means that now is the perfect time to whip out a pen and notepad to create a checklist of all the things that need to be done before summer officially arrives. Your checklist might include items like stocking up on sunscreen, buying a new bathing suit, and oddly enough, taking care of any outstanding chimney repairs. Yes, that’s right: summer is the perfect time to repair your chimney.

Summer is the perfect time to schedule your chimney inspection and chimney repair in Minneapolis, MN to ensure that your home has an extra layer of protection. Repairing your chimney now can help protect your home from water leaks throughout the year, ensuring that you won’t be spending hundreds of dollars to repair water damage and eliminate mold. There are plenty of common summertime chimney repairs, and below, we have listed a few of them. Keep reading to find out more about what you can do! 

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Tips for Smooth Sailing Through the Winter Season

Monday, October 1st, 2018

winter-windowNow that there is a noticeable chill in the air once more, you may have already started burning firewood regularly once again. How’s it going so far? Have you already run into issues? Does using your fireplace seem less convenient than it used to? Whatever the case, today’s blog post is for you. The Minneapolis, MN fireplace professionals on the 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. team are here help. We’ve put together some helpful tips to help you make it through the winter warmly and conveniently. 

And, if you’re feeling like you missed the boat this winter, don’t worry. Later is better than never in many instances and, if nothing else, you can always keep these tips in mind for next year. So read on, reach out to us with any questions that you may have, and show another Minnesotan winter who’s boss around your residence. The season is too long and too tough to be pushed around by the elements in your home!

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Now Is a Good Time for That Chimney Inspection!

Monday, September 17th, 2018

vanYou do not need us to remind you that the biting cold of the winter season is coming.

Nonetheless, we want to remind you that the biting cold of the winter season is coming! 

If you are anything like the rest of our clients, then you are eager to start firing up the, well, fires in your fireplace. And you certainly do not need to wait for winter to officially start before doing so.

You do, however, need to wait until you’ve had your chimney inspected before doing so.

Now, we know what you may be thinking.

Hey, I’m lookin’ right at my chimney—and it looks fine!

We don’t really want to remind you that looks can be deceiving.

Nonetheless, we want to remind you that looks can be deceiving! 

You need to have your chimney swept out every year, and a level 1 chimney inspection in Minneapolis, MN should always be a part of that service. However, there is really more to chimney inspection to this.

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4 Reasons to Get Professional Chimney Cleaning

Monday, February 5th, 2018

chimney-money-dollarsThere are many maintenance tasks around the home that are easy to let slide. For example, you may not be in any rush to clean underneath the refrigerator or the washing machine, or on top of a high bookshelf, when these are not places that your guests are likely to see. Out of sight, out of mind! Unfortunately, too many people have the same mentality when it comes to another hidden area of the home, the inside of the chimney.

If it’s been a while since you’ve had your chimney cleaned, it’s not too late. Don’t put this one task off any longer! There are many good reasons to schedule professional chimney cleaning today—and it’s far more important than cleaning under the fridge.

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How Will You Know a Chimney Needs Repair?

Monday, October 30th, 2017

question-mark-blueYou often know when a furnace needs repair because it will not produce the right amount of heat. You know when it’s time to fix your car, as it may struggle to start up, or you could have trouble breaking. But when it comes to your home’s chimney, it can be a lot more difficult to tell. When it malfunctions, is it because it needs repair or because you’ve skipped a step while lighting the fire? And how will you know when the masonry is in dire need of some renovation?

We believe that safety is the most important thing for you and your family, which is why we’re here to help. Before you notice major problems with your chimney and fireplace, read our guide on signs to look out for, and why you should call in a chimney sweep regardless.

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3 Unexpected Signs of a Chimney Fire

Monday, September 25th, 2017

chimney-needs-repairYou would definitely notice if there were a fire in your home, right?

Not necessarily. Chimney fires can come and go without warning. You may never notice the signs, not until a chimney technician inspects your chimney. This is especially true if you don’t know what to look for.

It’s so important to detect chimney fires early so you can get the source of the problem under control. You certainly want to avoid the possibility of a fire spreading to the outside of a home, and each chimney fire increases this likelihood. Here are some ways a chimney sweep can tell you’ve had a chimney fire, some of which may come as a surprise.

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What Happens After a Chimney Fire?

Monday, July 24th, 2017

chimney-and-fireWe spend a lot of time warning people about chimney fires, advising homeowners on how to prevent a fire, and sharing information about preventing fires from spreading to the outside of the home. Unfortunately, chimney fires are an all-too-common reality for people who use their fireplace. In our area, it’s essential to know what to do if you encounter a chimney fire, and what will happen to your home as a result.

For more information on chimney fires, or to get services for your chimney and fireplace in Minneapolis, give us a call. For now, read on to find out what can happen to your chimney when a fire starts, how you may not even know about it in the first place, and what to do to detect and repair the damage.

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What Technicians Are Looking for During a Chimney Inspection

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

man-shadow-chimney-cleanHopefully, you’ve heard before just how important it is to schedule a chimney inspection each year. We tell our customers and neighbors this all the time, but you might feel as though you can do a sufficient job yourself. We’re here to tell you it takes experience. A trained chimney sweep can recognize problems, and carries the right tools to detect problems sooner.

Want to know what professional chimney sweeps are looking for during an annual inspection? Take a look. It’s more complex than you may think.

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