2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘chimney cleaning’

Why Should You Worry about Your Chimney and Fireplace When It’s Warm Out?

Monday, May 23rd, 2016

We know that in the summertime, few people have their chimneys on their minds. But if your chimney has issues that go ignored for too long, it can become a serious headache when winter arrives. When you take care of chimney problems or routine cleaning this summer, you can make things a lot easier for the rest of the year. Take a look at some examples.

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3 Ways Your Chimney Could Be Unsafe

Monday, April 25th, 2016

We know that in the springtime, many homeowners are not really thinking about the condition of their chimney. However, if you’ve got any of the following issues with your chimney, it’s so important that you find out and seek services ASAP, for your continued safety and for your health. Check out our list of ways your chimney might be unsafe, and then call our team to schedule an inspection!

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Why Should I Schedule Chimney Cleaning in the Spring?

Monday, April 4th, 2016

Many homeowners don’t think about the importance of having their chimney cleaned in the spring, if at all. But given the workout your fireplace gets during our cold winters, it makes sense that this is something that should be a top priority. Don’t wait until you need to use your fireplace next fall to schedule a chimney cleaning appointment: here are some reasons you should schedule this for spring.

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Make Chimney Cleaning Part of Your Spring Cleaning Routine

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

Spring cleaning is a time to dig through boxes and bins you haven’t touched in years, donate clothes you never wear, and finally clean off the top of that bookshelf you always seem to miss. You can feel a sense of relief knowing that your home is a lot less cluttered and dusty. And if you fit spring chimney cleaning into your schedule, you can feel better about a whole lot more.

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3 Reasons You Should Budget for Chimney Cleaning

Monday, February 1st, 2016

Maybe you’ve heard before that you should schedule chimney cleaning every year. But you just aren’t quite sure whether it’s in the budget for you this year. Think you can skip it just this once? We think you’re much better off spending the money for this service now than dealing with any potential consequences.

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Book a Chimney Sweep for the New Year

Monday, December 28th, 2015

The New Year is a time to make plans to have fun, improve your health, save money, and live better. It’s the smallest details that make these New Year’s resolutions achievable, like taking the steps to protect your home and make it a safer, more comfortable, and more enjoyable space. Schedule chimney cleaning with a qualified chimney sweep in the new year, and you’ll feel more comfortable using your fireplace with the knowledge that your home is safe from the possibility of chimney fires.

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It’s the Holiday Season! Make Sure Your Chimney Is Prepared

Monday, December 21st, 2015

When the holiday season comes around, it’s more important than ever to make sure that your chimney is clean—and not just because you want to impress Santa Claus. When you use your fireplace, creosote gets left behind in the chimney. This tarlike black substance isn’t just unpleasant for Santa to look at; it’s also very dangerous if left unchecked. 

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Don’t Fall for a Chimney Cleaning Scam

Monday, October 26th, 2015

Whether you use your fireplace most nights or only a few times during the winter, chimney sweeping is so important to your home safety. Cleaning the chimney rids it of creosote and other harmful deposits that could lead to a chimney fire. During the initial inspection, the chimney sweep may discover an issue with your chimney that needs prompt repair, protecting your home from danger. But some companies prey on those who know little about chimney cleaning or have never had it done professionally before, scamming customers and putting their homes in further jeopardy. Look out for these scams so that you know your next chimney cleaning is completed properly.

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3 Questions You Should Ask your Chimney Sweep

Monday, October 5th, 2015

No matter how often you use your home’s chimney, regular chimney inspections are a key part of keeping your home safe. Whether you use your fireplace several times a week, or you only light a fire when company is in from out of town, your chimney could be filled with debris, creosote, or wear and tear that may damage your home and risk your safety the next time you use it. When you hire a chimney sweep to clean and inspect your chimney and fireplace, you’ll want to ensure they have the proper qualifications to do the job right. Here are a few questions to ask your chimney sweep before a cleaning and inspection.

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Cooler Weather Is Approaching: Is Your Chimney Prepared?

Monday, September 7th, 2015

You take your car in for regular inspections and oil changes so that the unexpected repair need does not appear at a dangerous time: while you’re on the road. Similarly, regular maintenance of your chimney helps to ensure that performance and safety issues don’t pop up while you are using your fireplace or stove, when a chimney fire is a real concern for your home.

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