2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘chimney cleaning’

Chimney Cleaning: A Job For the Pros

Monday, September 16th, 2019

We all love a good DIY project, right? Certainly, you’ve spent hours scouring the internet for tips on how to stain that old coffee table, build a cute planter for your garden, and maybe even remove a nasty clog from your shower drain. But one thing is for certain: when it comes to your chimney, it’s best not to take matters into your own hands.

With Autumn on its way, now is the perfect time to schedule your chimney cleaning in St. Paul, MN (if you haven’t done so already). Of course, chimney cleaning is a job best left to the professionals… for a number of reasons! Keep reading below and we’ll tell you why.

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P.U.! What’s That Smell?

Monday, August 19th, 2019

We expect most of the strange smells in our homes to come from the bathroom — human waste and clogged toilets can certainly be a little stinky! But, what if we told you that the smell you’re smelling isn’t coming from the bathroom at all? And no, it isn’t coming from the garbage can either… No, that smelly smell you’re smelling is coming from the chimney!

WHAT? How is this possible?

Well, there are actually a number of reasons why your chimney might start to stink, and below, we’ve listed some of them for you. Not to worry though — if you’ve got a stinky chimney, we can help! So, what are you waiting for? Keep reading to find out more!

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The Benefits of Regular Chimney Cleanings

Monday, June 10th, 2019

We know, we know: it’s Spring…why should you even be thinking about your chimney when you’re aren’t going to be using your fireplace at all over the next few months?

Well, we are here to tell you that NOW is the perfect time to schedule your chimney cleaning services if you haven’t done so already. Regular chimney cleaning in St. Paul, MN is important for a number of reasons. First of all, it’s quite important for your safety. And secondly, regular chimney cleanings help to protect your home and your wallet from costly repairs!

In case you aren’t yet convinced, keep reading below. We have listed just some of the many reasons why you should schedule your chimney cleaning this Spring.

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Here’s Why You Need to Fix That Broken Fireplace Damper ASAP

Monday, March 4th, 2019

Now that we are in the midst of the winter season, it is a good time to think about any fireplace repairs that have to be made. We still have a couple more months of cold weather ahead of us before we can enjoy some warmth, so any repairs that need to be made now, should. Of course, when it comes to your fireplace, safety is a priority, so it is best to contact a professional right away if you notice any signs of an issue.

A broken fireplace damper needs to be repaired as soon as possible. If it is sealed shut, smoke can quickly back up into your home. When it is working properly, the damper should be able to open and close when you need it to, however, sometimes it can get stuck in either position. If this happens, you need to hire a professional fireplace technician right away to address the problem. In case you aren’t yet convinced, we have listed a number of reasons why you need to repair that faulty damper now. Keep reading below to learn more. 

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Don’t Ignore Your Dirty Chimney

Monday, February 4th, 2019

couple-fireplace-warmThere is nothing quite like coming home after a long day in the middle of winter and sitting in front of your fireplace. Homeowners across Minnesota look forward to comfort and warmth that only a fireplace provide, making great use of them throughout the entire winter season. Properly caring for your fireplace and all of its components is the best way to ensure that your fireplace will remain efficient, effective, and safe all winter long.

To ensure the successful operation of your fireplace, you must also think about your chimney. Your chimney is responsible for venting out smoke and other gasses safely from your home. Over time, build-up can cause inefficiencies and lead to a variety of safety issues, so it is important to invest in regular chimney cleaning in St. Paul, MN. Keep reading below to learn more. 

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Fireplace Safety Tips for Winter

Monday, October 29th, 2018

chimney-cleaningA lot of people in this part of the country love winter. Others simply tolerate it. Others may loathe it, but stick around for the many positive elements of life here in Minnesota has to offer. Regardless of where you stand on the matter of the season itself, though, you have to admit that a great heating system is integral to your enjoyment of the winter weather. While few homeowners use their fireplaces as their sole heat source, many use them daily to supplement their heating.

As effective as fireplaces can be in heating one’s home, a major part of their appeal is the ambiance and soothing nature of having a roaring fire contained safely in the hearth. “Safely” is the key word there. Remember, you’re still dealing with an open flame in a home largely constructed of wood and filled with combustible materials. That is why we want to give you some tips for using your fireplace in Edina, MN safely this winter.

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What You Must Know About Creosote

Monday, October 15th, 2018

chimney-fire-top-bottomFireplaces are safe to use, provided that you use them right. That means more than being careful when building up your fire, stoking it, and cleaning out the hearth. It also means having your chimney cleaned regularly by trained, qualified professionals. Why? Because if you ignore this vital service long enough, it’s not just the performance of your fireplace that will suffer. It could also very well be your safety. We are not just saying this to alarm you.

We are going to talk a bit about creosote today, so that you understand what it is, why it builds up, and why you need to have it cleaned out of your chimney. Failure to do so can put you and your family in a dangerous situation, and it won’t be the fault of the fireplace. It will be user error, if not total negligence. So read on, contact us with any questions that you may have, and remember that you can count on our team for great chimney cleaning services in Minneapolis, MN.

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What Do I Need to Clean My Chimney Myself?

Monday, May 14th, 2018

question-mark-blueReady to get your hands dirty? We hope so, because chimney cleaning can be a messy job! Of course, since we would never advise you to clean your chimney on your own, it’s only our hands that are going to be getting messy. We apologize for the fakeout, but there is absolutely no circumstance in which you are going to be able to clean your chimney on your own.

Chimneys may seem very straightforward. It’s just a brick tube jutting up through your house, right? Well, no. Not at all, really. If that were the case, then water would be pouring into your home when it rained, you’d have smoke blowing into your living space, and so on. It’s not just a matter of knowing how chimneys are designed and laid out, though. It is also a matter of knowing how to navigate that chimney in order to do a thorough job of cleaning it—not to mention having the tools to do so onhand.

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Do All Chimney Flues Need Cleaning?

Monday, April 9th, 2018

couple-at-fireplaceMost homeowners that use woodburning fireplaces in their residences understand just how important it is that they have their fireplace, flue, and chimney inspected and cleaned on an annual basis. The problem here is that, like everything else, fireplaces, flues, and chimneys have changed over time. When those changes happen, it is always possible that someone will fail to get the memo. If you are wondering if your chimney flue needs cleaning, then the simple answer is yes.

There are more options than ever when it comes to the type of fireplace that you use in your home, how you fuel it, and even how you vent potentially harmful gases out of your home. The one constant is the fact that you really need to know for certain that your fireplace is kept in great working condition. Scheduling your chimney sweeping in Minneapolis, MN with our team ensures that this is the case.

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Your Guide to Maintaining a Wood-Burning Fireplace

Monday, March 19th, 2018

fireplace-fire-burningA wood-burning fireplace is a beautiful thing for any home in Minneapolis. Not only does it keep you warm and cozy, it also looks gorgeous. Many of the homes we visit have a classic look and feel, such as those colonial or craftsman homes that seem to get swept off the market in no time at all. Many others have chimneys or fireplaces renovated after the construction of the home, often adding a chic, modern look and feel.

Although a fireplace may look gorgeous from the inside and a chimney rustic from outdoors, it doesn’t mean everything is just fine inside the chimney and fireplace. We strongly recommend keeping a careful eye on your fireplace and scheduling routine services each year for the chimney, and for your family’s health and safety. Here are our recommendations.

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