Why Stick With a Wood-Burning Fireplace?

February 26th, 2024

In our previous blog post, we talked about the benefits of switching to a gas fireplace the next time you need a fireplace installation in Plymouth, MN. Today, we’re going to do the opposite, because although there are many advantages to gas-burning fireplaces, the traditional wood-burning fireplace has plenty to offer as well. If you have an old wood-burning fireplace and you’re looking to have it replaced, you may want to consider having a new wood-burning fireplace put in its place. It’s not always a bad idea to embrace the traditional.

We can help you weigh your different options, and we can handle the installation of whatever type you choose. We’ll make sure that your new fireplace is a true upgrade, no matter if it’s gas, wood-burning, or electric.

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6 Reasons to Switch to a Gas Fireplace

February 12th, 2024

There’s a romance to having a wood-burning fireplace, one of the oldest forms of home heating in the world. But perhaps you’ve discovered that you aren’t satisfied with your wood-burning fireplace. Have you noticed that you rarely use it because it’s cumbersome? Then you’re already on the path toward investing in changing your wood fireplace to a gas fireplace. 

This is a choice many have made, and we have a list of the six top reasons to change to a gas fireplace.

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What You Need to Know About Your Chimney Flue

January 15th, 2024

Have you ever wondered about the different components that make your fireplace not only a warm and cozy spot in your house, but also keep it working safely? One crucial element you should be aware of is the chimney flue.

The flue is an important part of any chimney inspection in Minneapolis, MN that we perform, and we’d like to take some time to examine this key part of your fireplace and chimney. The more knowledge you have, the better you’ll be able to take care of your fireplace and understand when to schedule service for it. 

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Get a Chimney Inspection for the New Year!

January 1st, 2024

January is a month when people get their lives into regular shape after a busy conclusion of the year. Suddenly, we have “normal” weeks and weekends with less crowding our schedules, and that’s a good time to get to some basics about arranging for the new year and taking care of various bookkeeping and planning jobs. 

Some of the jobs you may look into doing during the start of the new year will be for home maintenance. We’d like to suggest that one of these maintenance jobs you get done—if you didn’t do it at the end of the year—is a chimney inspection in Minneapolis, MN.

Don’t worry about getting a ladder, flashlight, and old clothes. This isn’t a job you can do yourself. Although you can spot major troubles with your chimney and call for repairs, a full annual inspection requires licensed professionals with the best tools and training. 2nd Generation Chimneys is your best resource for your yearly chimney inspection.

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Top Reasons to Have a Fireplace in Your Home

December 18th, 2023

It’s the holiday season, and that means you’ve probably seen a flood of images of people relaxing in rooms lit with the warm glow of a yuletide blaze in a fireplace. It’s one of the classic images of the winter holidays.

Maybe you’re thinking to yourself, “I’d really like that experience here in my home, and turning on a video fireplace from YouTube on the living room television screen just isn’t the same.” 

We’re glad you showed up here, because we’re the experts when it comes to fireplace installation in Minneapolis, MN. We handle installing wood inserts, wood stoves, electric inserts, and electric fireplaces. We know what fireplaces can bring to a home, and here’s our list of the top reasons you should think about getting a fireplace.

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Here Are Risks You Need to Know About Your Chimney

December 4th, 2023

Using a fireplace in a home is one of the great joys of the winter season, and we’re certain you’re looking forward to spending time with your family around the roaring hearth. But before we get too deep into the fireplace season, we want to talk to you about some of the dangers that might lurk in your chimney.

Chimneys and fireplaces need special attention, and it’s our job to provide our customers with the best in chimney inspections and chimney cleaning in Minneapolis, MN to ensure they can stay safe and cozy each year.

Let’s look at several of the common issues that might make your chimney unsafe and the best ways to deal with them or prevent them.

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The Power of Spark Arrestors for Fireplaces

November 20th, 2023

Imagine a family gathered around the fireplace on a chilly evening. A stray spark flies out from the fireplace. Potentially, it can start a fire in the house. Or imagine sparks going up the chimney, flying out and landing on the roof, possibly starting the house on fire.

What can stop these scenarios from happening? They’re called spark arrestors, and when it comes to the safety of your home and the enjoyment of a warm fireplace, they play a crucial role. 

There are two different types of spark arrestors: exterior and interior. The combination of these two kinds of spark arrestors creates a dynamic duo that helps to provide the best protection for your home and loved ones, stopping sparks from getting inside your house and stopping them from escaping the house.

Let’s look closer at both types of spark arrestors and their role in fireplace safety. We’ll examine their different features and how they work. If you’re looking for better fireplace safety and need spark arrestor installation in Minneapolis, MN, we’re the experienced contractor to trust with the job.

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The Importance of Winter Chimney Cleaning

November 6th, 2023

Although there are many times during the year when you can enjoy a roaring fire in your fireplace, winter is the time when you’ll use it the most. There are few joys greater during a cold Minnesota winter than sitting in front of a glowing and warm fire. It’s the textbook definition of the word cozy.

But you can’t expect to head into the winter with your fireplace without taking some important steps to care for it. One of the most important is to arrange for professional chimney sweeping in Edina, MN. Chimney cleaning is an essential part of fireplace maintenance and safety. Although there are some basic fireplace cleaning jobs you can do on your own, chimney cleaning requires trained and certified chimney sweeps. Let’s discuss why winter chimney cleaning is so important.

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Common Problems a Chimney Inspection May Reveal

October 23rd, 2023

A well-maintained chimney is crucial to keep your fireplace working well for many years and to ensure the fireplace doesn’t create safety hazards. A key part of maintaining your chimney is to schedule routine professional inspections for it.

We recommend having an inspection in Edina, MN done once a year. You can arrange for the service with our pros. We’ll carefully inspect your chimney to locate and address any problems before they can worsen into more expensive repairs or a safety risk.

If you’re wondering what we’re looking for specifically during an inspection, just follow us below. You’ll have a better idea of why these inspections are so important once you know what we might find.

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What Is the Firebox in a Fireplace?

October 9th, 2023

How much do you know about your fireplace? It’s okay if you don’t know or if you’ve never heard of a firebox before. But knowing more about it will help you better understand the importance of fireplace maintenance and repair. 

The firebox is truly the “heart” of a fireplace, and it’s essential both for a fireplace to work and to stay safe. Below we’ll explain the firebox in more detail, offer some safety tips, and list some signs that you may need to call us for a fireplace inspection in Bloomington, MN and possible fireplace repairs.

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