What Is a Level 2 Chimney Inspection?

March 13th, 2015

Having a chimney that doesn’t work correctly isn’t just inconvenient, it’s dangerous. Your home’s chimney is the single outlet to expel the toxic byproducts of combustion and also to draw in air to feed your fire the oxygen it needs to burn properly. But when the chimney isn’t healthy enough to do these things, serious problems can ensue. The best way to ascertain whether or not your chimney is in good shape is schedule a chimney inspection. However, there are three levels of chimney inspections and we’ll explain more detail about these below so that you can understand what happens when you need a level 2 chimney inspection in Apple Valley.

Types of Chimney Inspections

The type of chimney inspection you need will depend largely on how you use your fireplace and chimney:

Level 1 Inspection

The level 1 inspection is the most basic type of inspection, and is the equivalent of a chimney sweep. This type of inspection is thorough, but is used when you aren’t changing the equipment in your fireplace, i.e., you aren’t making a change like installing an insert or stove. During a level 1 inspection, your chimney will be cleaned, the fireplace and fireplace box checked, insert or stove checked if there is one, and any blockages will be removed.

Level 2 Inspection

This type of inspection is needed for the following:

  • When you sell or buy a new home with a chimney
  • When you need to line your chimney
  • If you change the fuel type burning in the fireplace
  • If there are changes to the materials of which the chimney is made

A level 2 inspection will include all of the tasks of a level 1 inspection, but it will also include the areas close to the chimney, including attic space, crawl space and basement space.

Level 3 Inspection

Level 3 typically involves serious hazards. A level 3 inspection occurs when a chimney needs to have certain parts removed or rebuilt due to serious corrosion or damage. The tasks of levels 1 and 2 are also performed as part of level 3 service.

Maintaining your chimney is an important part of you and your home’s safety. The chimney specialists at 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc., will let you know what level inspection you’ll need for your Apple Valley home, so you don’t need to worry about having this information when you call us.

It’s recommended that your chimney is inspected annually, so if it has been more than 12 months since your last chimney inspection, Call Us Today! 612.922.9600 or 1-888-PIXLEYS

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Why Spring Chimney Cleaning Is Important

March 6th, 2015

“Spring cleaning” is a term everyone knows, and today we apply it to more than just cleaning homes. Any thorough clean-up job done to maintain orderliness, whether at your office or on your computer’s hard drive, can be thought of as spring cleaning.

A part of your home that definitely needs true spring cleaning is your chimney. Spring is one of the best times to arrange for a professional chimney sweep to come to your home and give your chimney a complete cleaning, from firebox to crown. If you are looking for excellent spring chimney cleaning in White Bear Lake, MN, you have come to the right place: 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. has certified chimney sweeps on staff with the experience and equipment to handle the job while keeping your home protected from soot. Contact us today to arrange for your chimney cleaning.

Why spring cleaning is recommended for chimneys

You use your fireplace the most during the winter, and all that exhaust going up the chimney can lead to the development of creosote, a combustible material that needs removal. If creosote continues to build up, it can lead to chimney fires that can damage the chimney and even lead to fires in the upper floors or roof of your home. Extensive soot will also develop inside the chimney over the winter, and it’s important for chimney sweeps to eliminate this so the fireplace can vent properly.

The Minnesota winters can be exceptionally cruel to chimneys, and once the cold and snow are gone during the spring, it’s a good time to get rid of some of the troubles the chimney may have picked up during the last few months. Moisture inside a chimney from snow and rain can lead to cracking along the masonry, and cleaning will catch these problems before they become serious.

One common trouble that chimney cleaners encounter during spring cleaning is animal nests. Many birds and mammals seek shelter inside chimneys during the cold weather, which provide warmth and shelter. Bird nests are a frequent issue, often placed near the crown. Even raccoons can try to lair inside a chimney, and you certainly don’t want to attempt to remove a raccoon on your own!

Finally, chimney cleaning in spring is easy to plan, since chimney professionals are not as busy as in the winter and fall. You arrange to have your cleaning done on a convenient schedule.

We are certified with the Chimney Safety Institute of America and members of the National Chimney Sweep Guild.

For quality spring chimney cleaning in White Bear Lake, MN, give 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. a call. Call Us Today! 612.922.9600 or 1-888-PIXLEYS

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What Is a Level 3 Chimney Inspection?

March 6th, 2015

Although it is natural to think of the chimney in your home as durable almost to the point of invincibility, this is far from the truth. In order for a chimney to safely vent exhaust and avoid creating fire hazards and sustaining damage from moisture, it must receive routine inspections from professionals with licensing from the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA). Inspections will locate any problem areas where a chimney may need repairs, such as relining, masonry work, or a new crown.

If you are unsure of when your chimney last received an inspection, it’s probably overdue for one. Call 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc., and our certified inspectors will take care of the job, whether you need a Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 chimney inspection in Spring Lake Park, MN. We have many decades of experience with handling chimney issues of all kinds.

What do these levels mean?

The NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) defines three levels of chimney inspection. A Level 1 inspection is the basic check for a chimney that has not experience any major issues, nor is the homeowner planning on making any changes to the chimney or fireplace in the future. A Level 2 inspection is required if the homeowner had made a change in the fireplace or chimney, such as switching to a new fuel type or putting in a new liner. These inspections are also required when property is transferred or the chimney suffers damage from an event such as building or chimney fire.

Do I need a Level 3 inspection?

The third level of inspection is the most thorough. However, you won’t need to worry about determining whether you need one or not, because the technicians will figure this out when performing either a Level 1 or Level 2 inspection. If the inspectors suspect that a chimney may have serious safety issues during a Level 1 or 2 inspection, they will then do a Level 3.

During a Level 3 inspection, the technicians will check all the parts of the chimney to see that it is sound, the flue venting properly, and combustion systems working correctly. The inspection then moves deeper to normally inaccessible areas of the chimney, which sometimes requires removing the crown or parts of the interior chimney wall to check for damage and serious structural problems. This job takes special tools and techniques that are not used during Level 1 and 2 inspections.

If it’s time for a chimney inspection in your home in Spring Lake Park, MN, a Level 3 chimney inspection may not be necessary. Whatever is required to keep your chimney safe and effective, you can trust to 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. to handle it.

Our certified chimney inspectors will start with either a Level 1 or 2 inspection, and then tell you if you need the higher level. Call Us Today! 612.922.9600 or 1-888-PIXLEYS

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Signs Your Chimney Needs Repair

February 27th, 2015

You can’t have a safe or effective fire in your home’s fireplace without a safe, effective chimney. As such, if you are a homeowner who uses your fireplace, whether for a simple, occasional fire or for every day heat, it’s important to be aware of the signs that your chimney may need repair. It’s just as important to hire experts to repair your chimney should it need repair. The fireplace and chimney experts at 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc., bring two generations’ worth of experience and expertise to every job we do, so if you have fireplace needs, including repair, call us today!

Chimney Repair Signs

Here are some items to be aware of when it comes to chimney repair:

  • Crumbling mortar – mortar is the cement or other binding substance that holds the stones or bricks of your chimney and fireplace together. If you can see that the mortar is crumbling, or can physically crumble it with your fingers, there is likely a moisture problem with your chimney. Crumbling mortar can lead to loose masonry, which can be very dangerous for your chimney.
  • Loose flue tiles – loose flue tiles, also known as shaling, occurs when you find tiles that are specially-designed for the top of your flue in the lower parts of your chimney or even in the firebox. These tiles are very important for the safety of your chimney and need to be replaced before your next use.
  • White powder on masonry – bricks sometimes develop a white, powdery substance on their surface that can be easily brushed off. Many people take this as normal, but it isn’t. That white powder is there because moisture that has gotten inside the brick and pushed the salt of the brick to the surface. There is a name to this phenomenon, and it is called Moisture isn’t good for any kind of masonry, so if you are seeing efflorescence, it’s time to call for an expert.

Whether you use your fireplace for occasional ambience or every day for additional heat, your chimney needs to be safe and effective.

If you are seeing the signs that your chimney in Roseville needs repair, Call Us Today! 612.922.9600 or 1-888-PIXLEYS

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Valentine’s Day: Pagan Revelry, Clandestine Marriage, and 14th Century Poetry

February 14th, 2015

What do you think of when you think of Valentine’s Day? Perhaps rushing off to the stationary store after work to choose the perfect card with which to express your feelings towards a loved one? Dinner reservations at a fancy restaurant? Roses, dark chocolates, and other gifts and confections? Whatever Valentine’s Day may look like to you, chances are that it is a far cry from the history surrounding this holiday – or at least we hope so. Here are a few interesting facts about this most romantic of holidays, from your friends here at 2nd Generation Chimneys.

The fact of the matter is that there is no definitive history as to how Valentine’s Day came to be. There are a few different saints with variations of the name Valentine, for example. One of the most prevalent legends, and one certainly in keeping with the romantic nature of the holiday as we know it today, pertains to a priest serving during the 3rd century in Rome. Under the rule of Emperor Claudius II, who believed that young men made for better soldiers if unfettered by marriage, it was illegal for young men to marry. A true believer in love, Valentine would marry young couples in secret. Until, at least, he was found out, and met a very unpleasant end for his crimes.

Like many of our modern holidays, Valentine’s Day can also be traced back to pagan ritual. Lupercalia, as the pagan festival is known, was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, a god of agriculture. As is often the case with Roman celebrations, the details of this celebration are unfit to detail here. Suffice to say that, while there is certainly a touch of the amorous in the proceedings, the festival was a far cry from what we associate with Valentine’s Day today.

How, then, did our modern version of Valentine’s Day come to be? The answer may lie in, of all places, 14th century poetry; particularly, in the writings of Geoffrey Chaucer. Famed for his Canterbury Tales, Chaucer may well be the very first writer to associate Valentine’s Day with romantic love, in the manner of which we are familiar with it today. His The Parliament of Fowls details the dream-vision of a narrator consumed with the idea of romantic love and the natural order of finding a mate. Valentine’s Day is mentioned by name a number of times, as the narrator witnesses a parliament of eagles vying for the hand – or, perhaps more aptly, the wing – of a mate.

Whatever you may think of the holiday’s sordid and convoluted history, we here at 2nd Generation Chimneys hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day with the special someone in your life.

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What Happens During a Chimney Inspection?

February 5th, 2015

The safety of your family is important to you, which is why we feel it is so important for every home chimney to receive inspection once a year. Like any other type of heating equipment, a chimney can pose a safety hazard if it is not regularly maintained. Maintenance includes cleaning problem areas and checking for any damage that could increase your chances of a dangerous chimney fire. Heating equipment is the second leading reason for home fires, and chimney fires take the lead in this category.

Scheduling chimney cleaning and inspection every year can significantly lower your risk of a fire, alerting you to any repair needs and giving you some peace of mind over the condition of your unit. Call a company trusted for chimney inspection and repair and recognized by the Chimney Safety Institute of America. Call 2nd Generation Chimneys today.

The Levels of Chimney Inspection

What happens during your next chimney inspection will depend on your needs, the state of your chimney and firebox, and whether you or your technician suspects trouble. There are three stages or levels of chimney inspections.

  • Level 1 – A level 1 chimney inspection is recommended for most homeowners as part of annual chimney cleaning. Before chimney cleaning, the technician should inspect your chimney for any large debris, like birds’ nests, and areas with a high concentration of creosote. After cleaning up these types of issues, the technician should inspect the chimney again using a strong light to locate any visible damage.
  • Level 2 – Level 2 chimney inspections are a bit more comprehensive, but are necessary after a fire, in case you decide to sell your home, or if you’re upgrading your stove or alternate heating equipment. Technicians will access crawlspaces and use high-tech equipment to assess the state of the chimney.
  • Level 3 – Finally, level 3 chimney inspections are recommended only in extreme cases, as the chimney may be disassembled to an extent for a complete inspection.

The technicians at 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. are highly trained and certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America. Call Us Today! 612.922.9600 or 1-888-PIXLEYS

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What Is My Home’s Risk for a Chimney Fire?

January 30th, 2015

When you use your chimney, you feel comforted by its warmth, so you’re often not thinking about the potential consequences of a poorly maintained chimney. As it turns out, heating equipment is the second leading cause of home fires in the U.S., and chimney fires account for the majority of these. Most chimney fires are totally preventable—as long as you understand your risk. Assess whether your chimney has the potential for a sudden fire by asking yourself the following questions and taking action to protect your home.

Call 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. for regular inspections and chimney cleaning in Lakeville. We are a team of certified professionals who take pride in our comprehensive chimney services.

Are there damages to your chimney or fireplace?

The first way to tell whether your chimney is at risk is by taking seriously any damage you may have noticed on the masonry, in the firebox, or with the flue. Cracked or chipped tiles or liners allow a pathway for flames to reach the structure of the home. Excessive creosote buildup in the firebox or chimney is another issue to look out for, as a single spark can ignite the creosote and start a massive fire. Creosote is a gummy, corrosive substance that sometimes forms as condensation collects in the chimney liner.

Have you had a chimney fire in the past?

If you’ve had a chimney fire before, your risk of another chimney fire or a home fire is particularly high. A chimney fire can crack flue tiles, damage the masonry, and spread creosote around the chimney and firebox or stove. In fact, you may be unaware that a chimney fire has occurred once before, so keep an eye out for flakes of creosote, warped TV antennae, masonry cracks, holes, and discoloration.

When’s the last time you scheduled chimney inspection and cleaning?

Perhaps the most important step in protecting your home from a chimney fire is regular chimney inspection and cleaning. This is suggested for most homes annually, although your technician may have different recommendations based on how often your chimney is used. Experts will inspect every portion of your chimney for damage, clean out creosote buildup, and may offer you valuable maintenance tips.

Calling 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. for chimney cleaning in Lakeville gives you access to professionals certified by the CSIA, Call Us Today! 612.922.9600 or 1-888-PIXLEYS

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What to Look out for When Inspecting Your Chimney

January 29th, 2015

Any piece of heating equipment can run into trouble from time to time, and sometimes it comes with some scary consequences. Heating systems are the second leading cause of home fires in the U.S., so it’s important to do all you can to prevent this possibility from occurring. And while any piece of heating equipment needs regular inspections and a tune up in order to prevent issues from popping up unexpectedly, chimneys may need a little extra work.

You may wonder: what can I do to prevent a chimney fire? While there are certainly some things you should stay attuned to, at 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. we recommend leaving the brunt of the cleaning and inspection work to a professional. We’ve been around since 2001 and are certified by the CSIA (Chimney Safety Institute of America) or chimney inspection in Circle Pines and the surrounding area.

Some things to look out for

There are a couple of things that should alert you to trouble when you look at your chimney or firebox. The first is cracked masonry. Cracks and holes force heat to distribute unevenly and may allow flames to escape onto the roof of your home. Especially when the liner is damaged as well (which is common with tile liners), flames are likely to spread. Second, you should pay attention if you notice an excessive buildup of flaky or tar-like creosote. Creosote forms in the lining of a chimney as condensation forms, and with high levels of creosote, even a spark can send flames throughout the chimney.

Leave inspection to professionals

However, you should leave any major inspection tasks to professionals. Inspecting a chimney is hard work, and it also requires a trained eye to locate smaller cracks, holes, and hazards. Amateur chimney inspection may pose a health or safety hazard as well. Besides, experts have the right tools for both inspection and cleaning, which could cost the average homeowner thousands of dollars. Professionals are best suited to recommend changes, such as replacing a worn liner, which could end up saving you and your home from danger.

Call 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. For chimney inspection in Circle Pines by trained experts, Call Us Today! 612.922.9600 or 1-888-PIXLEYS

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Efficiency and Safety Tips for Wood Stove Owners

January 22nd, 2015

While wood stoves were once reserved for outdoor use, today’s indoor wood stoves are better than ever, with advanced ventilation systems, safety features, and an attractive and vintage look for a great addition in any home. Many homeowners still have their reservations about wood stove installation, but there is plenty you can do to make sure your unit continues to run efficiently and safely.

Work with 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. in order to make sure your new wood stove installation in Minneapolis goes smoothly and that your unit runs as safely and efficiently as possible.

Saving Money and Benefitting the Environment with Your Wood Stove

  • Only Purchase Stoves Built after 1990: According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, stoves built before 1990 were 50% less efficient than modern EPA-approved stoves.
  • Find Wood with a High Heat Value: The heat value of wood helps you to determine how efficiently it will burn, though you may be limited to a few specific types due to your location.
  • Weatherize Your Home: Weatherizing your home by sealing any cracks and leaks helps monitor the indoor temperature and keeps you from running your stove for long periods of time.
  • Only Allow Professionals to Service Your System: A professional knows where to install a system for peak efficiency as well as the proper maintenance and repair procedures.

Safety Tips for Wood Stoves

  • Professional Service is Key: Again, one of the most important things you can do is choose professionals for installation, service, and yearly maintenance to keep everything running as safely as possible.
  • Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions: Check your unit’s manual for the most accurate safety information or ask your technician for further advice.
  • Burn Dry, Seasoned Wood: Wet wood cannot burn efficiently, and drier wood helps to protect against creosote, a buildup of which can be a fire hazard.
  • Never Leave a Wood Stove Unattended: Always put out your wood stove before you leave the home to prevent the risk of fire.

We use industry standards for installation and ventilation and have years of experience with Minneapolis wood stove installation.

For professional service and more information about keeping your home safe, call 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Call Us Today! 612.922.9600 or 1-888-PIXLEYS

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Why Fireplace Repair Is Always a Job for Professionals

January 15th, 2015

If there is a problem with your fireplace, you want it fixed quickly. Whether your home is recovering from a fire, your broken fireplace cannot provide adequate heat, or it is at risk of catching fire in the future, you’ll need a professional trained in the standards of chimney repair and safety to ensure that the problem is fixed and to keep any safety hazards from occurring in the future.

Fireplace repair is not a job for the average do-it-yourselfer. While you can challenge yourself by doing some home projects on your own, such as assembling or repainting furniture, these jobs don’t generally come along with any high risk. Chimney fires are one of the leading causes of home fires in the U.S., and you risk a chimney fire any time a component of your fireplace is in a state of disrepair. There are professionals trained specifically on the best methods for repairing, relining, or sealing your fireplace, and you should always make sure you’re working with an expert.

As an example, the flue liner must be the proper size and it has to be in top shape in order for the fireplace to remain in good shape. If you call a technician for a routine inspection and they discover that the flue liner needs replacement due to cracks and holes or any other threat to your safety, the technician may decide that it needs replacement. And you’ll want to make sure you have a certified professional to make measurements and choose a fire resistant material that is fitted properly.

Be sure to call for repairs as soon as you notice anything unusual, such as excessive smoking, visible cracks and holes in the chimney, or a cracked firebox. You should only trust professionals certified in chimney repair and cleaning, as they are better able to assess any potential danger and recognize repair needs throughout the structure. The experts at 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. are certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America, which means they’ll make sure your new repairs are safe and sound.

Contact 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. today for thorough, quality fireplace repair in Wayzata. Call Us Today! 612.922.9600 or 1-888-PIXLEYS

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