Should You Worry about Vines Climbing Up the Chimney?

April 18th, 2016

The look of vines climbing up a home’s walls can add beauty to the structure. A bit of color on your walls and on the roof is always a nice touch, and it add to the charm of nearly any home. However, there are some concerns you might not think of when it comes to the greenery on the side of your home. But our experts are often cautious about letting the growth get out of control, at least when it comes to your chimney.

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What You Should Know about Structural Issues and Your Chimney

April 12th, 2016

A fireplace adds warmth and beauty to the inside of your home, while a chimney gives a welcoming look to the outside of your building. Sometimes, chimneys are so old and worn, they can have structural damage on the outside that you may or may not notice. When you do notice the issue, however, you might think it adds even more of a vintage look and feel, with the occasional masonry damage just adding quirkiness to your home. However, there are some things you should know about your chimney and how structural damage can really affect you.

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Installing a Wood Stove without a Chimney Already in Place

April 11th, 2016

When a heating system generates heat, it also generates a number of byproducts that need to move out of your home (unless it’s an electric system). Smoke, carbon monoxide, and other contaminants need to be contained in the chimney so they can vent away from your home. A chimney is a necessity when you install a wood stove or fireplace, but if you don’t have a chimney already in place, it can still be retrofitted into your home so that you can get all the benefits of a wood-burning comfort system.

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Why Should I Schedule Chimney Cleaning in the Spring?

April 4th, 2016

Many homeowners don’t think about the importance of having their chimney cleaned in the spring, if at all. But given the workout your fireplace gets during our cold winters, it makes sense that this is something that should be a top priority. Don’t wait until you need to use your fireplace next fall to schedule a chimney cleaning appointment: here are some reasons you should schedule this for spring.

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Creosote: Is This a Risk I Should Worry about with My Chimney?

March 28th, 2016

A common misconception homeowners believe about their chimneys and fireplaces is that they require little to no maintenance. This can unfortunately be a very dangerous mistake to make. Creosote is a real threat, and can not only cause a chimney fire but can also have adverse effects on your health. This substance is a dark brown oil distilled from coal tar that builds up within your chimney.

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What Can We Find with a Chimney Inspection?

March 22nd, 2016

We know that spring is here and you don’t think too much about the condition of your heating equipment right now. But you’d be surprised to hear about what types of problems may have developed in your chimney over the past couple of seasons. Schedule a chimney inspection each and every year, so that you can feel confident that your family is safe the next time you use your chimney.

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Make Chimney Cleaning Part of Your Spring Cleaning Routine

March 15th, 2016

Spring cleaning is a time to dig through boxes and bins you haven’t touched in years, donate clothes you never wear, and finally clean off the top of that bookshelf you always seem to miss. You can feel a sense of relief knowing that your home is a lot less cluttered and dusty. And if you fit spring chimney cleaning into your schedule, you can feel better about a whole lot more.

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7 Easy Safety Tips for Using a Fireplace

March 14th, 2016

Fireplaces add a beautiful touch to any home, but despite the elegance it can add to your living room, it seems wasted if you never really use it. You deserve to get warm and cozy in front of a fireplace, but you also want to keep your family members safe. Here, we offer some of the easiest ways to be sure you’re using your chimney and fireplace in the safest possible way.

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Why Is My Chimney Leaking?

February 29th, 2016

When water leaks into your home from the chimney, you need the problem fixed fast. This is a problem that may affect your chimney throughout the year, not just when you are using it, and it could lead to some expensive, troublesome water damage. If you notice that water is entering your home through the chimney, call a certified chimney sweep to repair the damage. Here are a few ways this may happen to your home.

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Why You Should Avoid a Cheap Chimney Sweep

February 22nd, 2016

Cleaning out your chimney once every year (at least!) is so important for your health and wellness, and for the well-being of your home. This process could potentially save your home, as a buildup of debris in the chimney could actually cause a fire to ignite in the chimney and spread to your home.

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