What Causes Structural Damage to Chimneys?

June 27th, 2016

While some people think that structural damage to a masonry chimney seems charming, it’s a serious issue. That vintage chimney appearance may be dangerous. Structural damage to the bricks may allow a chimney fire in the flue to spread to the outside of your home.

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Is Your Fireplace Making Summer Cooling Costs Higher?

June 20th, 2016

Your fireplace is great in the winter, but it has nothing to do with how comfortable you feel in the summer, right? Actually, a fireplace can affect your home cooling costs significantly, if it’s not properly maintained. If you don’t have a good damper in the chimney, you might be spending way more on air conditioning than you have to.

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What Are Technicians Looking for When They Inspect a Chimney?

June 13th, 2016

You might have heard recently that you need a chimney inspection for one reason or another, perhaps because you are making renovations, leaving a home, or purchasing a home. This will be an involved inspection that may even involve the use of video cameras. But it’s also important to get a routine inspection each year in order to prevent major repairs and, most importantly, potential fire hazards.

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Why Does My Fireplace Smell?

June 7th, 2016

Most people are not thinking about their fireplace and chimney in the spring and summertime. But if you notice an odor coming from your fireplace when it’s warm outside, then you certainly are. It’s actually a common problem but still something you should get fixed ASAP. This is partly for the sake of your guests, but also because your annoying fireplace odor could actually be dangerous.

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Spring and Summer Chimney Problems: What Might Come Up

June 6th, 2016

If you think that you can ignore your chimney and fireplace in the spring and summertime, think again. There are a number of problems that tend to come up in the summertime and spring, though some may be more noticeable than others. Here, we list some common problems, and why we think it’s so important to stay on top of chimney inspections and making sure your chimney is safe all year round.

What Can Happen in the Spring and Summer

In the off-period for your chimney and fireplace, new problems can still appear. Or, older problems can start to reveal themselves, especially if it’s been a long time since you’ve scheduled an inspection and cleaning. Here are some examples:

  • Smells in the chimney – In the summer, smells from animal droppings or creosote become more obvious thanks to the humidity in the air.
  • Excessive creosote – This is a dangerous problem you might start to notice in the summer, and it can allow a chimney fire to ignite and spread to your home. Have your chimney cleaned each and every year to eliminate this danger.
  • Structural problems – Structural problems with the masonry of a chimney may help a fire to spread to the outside of a home. Some may think they add “charm” but remember than this charm could be short-lived.
  • Unwanted guests – One common problem that comes up in warm weather is the presence of critters like rodents or birds in the chimney. While bird nest removal of some species may be illegal as long as the nest is active, you can call in a technician afterwards to help you prevent the problem in the future.

What You Should Do

We cannot reiterate this enough: work with a quality chimney and fireplace contractor to have your chimney cleaned out each and every year. And schedule inspections if you suspect a structural problem. It helps you feel better about your family’s safety. And you can be prepared to use your fireplace in the winter.

Call 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. for chimney cleaning and inspections in Minneapolis, MN.

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Checking Your Chimney for Creosote

May 30th, 2016

Creosote is one of the most dangerous things you can find inside of a chimney. And yet, it builds up naturally as you burn a fire in your fireplace. There are steps you can take to lessen the buildup and impact of creosote, a black, tarlike substance that is highly combustible. And you should also know what to look for to tell if your creosote problem is out of control.

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Why Should You Worry about Your Chimney and Fireplace When It’s Warm Out?

May 23rd, 2016

We know that in the summertime, few people have their chimneys on their minds. But if your chimney has issues that go ignored for too long, it can become a serious headache when winter arrives. When you take care of chimney problems or routine cleaning this summer, you can make things a lot easier for the rest of the year. Take a look at some examples.

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Don’t Forget about Your Dryer Vents This Spring

May 9th, 2016

Spring cleaning is a time for you to clean out your closets, throw out what you don’t use, and clean off the rest. Throughout the process, you might end up with a lot of laundry, washing towels, curtains, spare bedsheets, and of course, your usual clothing loads. And the more you use your dryer, the more at risk you are for a dryer-related fire—if you haven’t had the dryer vents cleaned out this year.

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Why Smoke Gets into Your Home When You Use the Fireplace

May 2nd, 2016

You light a fire in your fireplace, assuming that you’ll feel more comfortable in no time. But shortly after you build a fire, smoke is sent through the fireplace and back to your home. This is a scary problem that often deserves professional attention in order to prevent fires and other health and safety issues. We’ve provided the list below so that you can ask yourself a few questions before you call in a technician, and know what to tell the chimney sweeps when they arrive.

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3 Ways Your Chimney Could Be Unsafe

April 25th, 2016

We know that in the springtime, many homeowners are not really thinking about the condition of their chimney. However, if you’ve got any of the following issues with your chimney, it’s so important that you find out and seek services ASAP, for your continued safety and for your health. Check out our list of ways your chimney might be unsafe, and then call our team to schedule an inspection!

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