3 Facts About Upkeep for a Gas Fireplace

August 3rd, 2020

gas-fireplace-insertHaving a gas fireplace in your home is a great way to enjoy ambience, warmth, and high energy efficiency. These are great options for anyone who has decided that they are done with having to buy or chop wood logs to enjoy a good fire in their home. With that said though, gas fireplaces are still going to require regular upkeep if you want them to work properly. That is what [(site_name)] is here for.

We’ve been providing reliable services to Minneapolis residents for years. We are the pros when it comes to handling your gas fireplace maintenance, repairs, and more. If you didn’t know that your gas fireplace needed maintenance, let us tell you a bit more about why you should schedule regular upkeep if you want to keep enjoying this home system.

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Chimney Pressure Problems

July 20th, 2020

The temperatures are up and your fireplace is now doing its best to add environmental aesthetic to your home, rather than warmth. Whether it is gas-powered or wood-burning, it is likely that this system in your home will be dormant for a few months. This does not, however, mean that your chimney should go unchecked. A chimney that has been used all fall and winter, and maybe some spring, still needs to be inspected for potential problem causers? Why? Because any issues that go unchecked can put your safety at risk.

We want you to be able to enjoy your fireplace and chimney all-year-round but to do that you need to make sure you schedule a chimney inspection with our team to keep your system in a safe condition. Otherwise, you may run into some potentially dangerous problems such a negative air pressure in your chimney.

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Why Switch to a Gas Fireplace?

July 6th, 2020

fire-book-openFireplaces are great additions to the modern home for the sake of warmth and what they add to your indoor environment. But if you have a wood-burning fireplace, you also know that this system can be a bit of a hassle too, between needing to dispose of ashes, handle creosote build-up and keep up a supply of wood logs. If you are tired of dealing with these drawbacks, we can help.

It may be time for you to switch to a gas fireplace. Now whether you want a gas insert or a gas log insert is up to you, but in either case, you need professionals to get the installation done. That’s where we come in. The technicians at 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. can help with all your fireplace service from installation to repairs and beyond.

Let’s take a look at why you might consider having one of our professional technicians install a gas fireplace in your home.

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Have You Scheduled a Chimney Inspection?

June 22nd, 2020

chimney-needs-repairSummer is in full swing and it isn’t likely that you are going to be using your fireplace and chimney for the next several months. With that said, this doesn’t mean that your chimney should be completely off your mind. Much like checking on a car that hasn’t been used for a few months to ensure it is still in working condition, you should want to make sure that your fireplace and chimney aren’t deteriorating while not in use.

This time of year is actually when you want to take the time to schedule a chimney inspection. After all, getting a professional out to check on your chimney when you aren’t using it and don’t need it makes things a lot easier for both you and the technician!

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Is That Smell Coming From Your Fireplace?

June 8th, 2020

You don’t have to be using your fireplace to notice it has a problem. Just opening the damper to check things out and see if there is a reason to call in a professional can lead to a discovery that something is up. Of course, even if you aren’t checking on your chimney out of habit, you might be led to look into its upkeep by a strange smell that seems to be coming from it.

There are several different potential causes for chimney smells and none of them are good. This applies to both gas and wood-burning fireplaces too so whatever type you have and wherever it is located, this article is meant for you. A stinking chimney isn’t one you should ignore because it will only get worse!

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How to Handle Chimney Squatters

May 25th, 2020


Springtime is in full swing and summer is right around the corner. You can always tell that winter has ended because of the sudden increase of blooming plants, flourishing foliage, and an abundance of furry and feathered critters around the area. It is always a treat to sit on your porch or in your backyard and hear the birds chirping away in the trees or watch squirrels run around in the grass. Spring is always a season full of life that is thriving just outside your door.

And as cute as those squirrels are you probably want them to stay outside.

While springtime and summer are both wonderful times of the year thanks to the great weather and extra sunshine, they can also be seasons during which you start having problems with your animal neighbors because you don’t see eye to eye–where you see a chimney and fireplace built to keep you warm, they see a great place for a nest and a new home.

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3 Perks of a a Gas Fireplace

May 11th, 2020

couple-fireplace-warmAre you considering switching over to a gas-powered fireplace? If so, we look forward to working with you to get your new fireplace set up. Maybe, however, you have been going back and forth for a while and you still aren’t sure if a gas fireplace is going to be the best option for your home.

We love both wood-burning and gas-powered fireplaces so we can tell you that they both have their perks. With that said, we want to help you out by telling you about some of the great perks that you can enjoy when you switch to a gas fireplace. Below we have detailed some of the best things that we like about gas fireplaces so you can get a better idea of whether or not this system is a good fit for you.

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Types of Chimney Flues

April 27th, 2020

When you use your chimney, the smoke and soot it produces are going to go up and out of your home through your chimney, if all is well inside of the said chimney. You can usually tell when something is wrong within your chimney because of cold drafts or smoke entering your home rather than going outside where it belongs.

Much of the operation of your chimney depends on the well being of your chimney flue or chimney liner. This is a part of your chimney that protects the brick masonry from the build-up of creosote, thereby reducing the risk of a chimney fire. It also helps the smoke from your fire exit the way it is supposed to. Your chimney liner is vital to the use of your fireplace and the protection of your home.

So when your chimney liner in St. Paul starts to struggle, it is going to help you to know what type of liner you might be looking to repair or replace.

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Why Schedule a Chimney Cleaning?

April 13th, 2020

Springtime brings to mind the idea of spring cleaning for many people. This is because, after a long winter being cooped up in the house with the doors and windows shut, it is nice to get rid of the dust and debris and let in some fresh air. In the spirit of spring cleaning, we’d like to suggest that you consider scheduling a chimney cleaning in Minneapolis as one of your “spring cleaning to-dos.”

No, we don’t mean you should take a rag and a spray bottle to your fireplace yourself. Chimney cleaning is one of the expert services we offer that is going to help clear out any unwanted and potentially dangerous debris from your chimney. Even though your chimney may be the one thing that has been seeing regular airflow during the past several chilly months, that doesn’t mean it is clean.

Let’s look at what exactly a chimney cleaning service entails and why it benefits you… and your chimney, of course.

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Chimneys FAQ: Your Chimney Flue

March 30th, 2020

When you light up your fireplace, you can sit back and enjoy the warmth knowing that all the gas and smoke being created that could otherwise be harmful to your home are drifting safely up and out through your chimney. If something is wrong with your chimney flue though, you may not get this experience the way you expect.

For many people, it may come as a surprise that your chimney isn’t just the brick chute you see from the outside. Instead, the brick and mortar act as a visually pleasing cover over the part that is really responsible for getting rid of all that smoke: your chimney flue.

Your flue is quite important to the operation of your fireplace so it is a good idea to brush up on your understanding of this structure so you can be prepared when the time comes for repairs.

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