Why A Gas Fireplace Is A Great Investment

April 13th, 2021

A gas fireplace can be the perfect spot for you and your family to gather around for some quality time.

Any room that blends elements of relaxation, social activity, and functionality can become a hot-spot to spend time in. A gas fireplace does all this and more. It is ideal for inviting friends or family for game nights or just relaxing after a long workday. A gas fireplace makes your rooms cozier and even increases the value of your home.

Here are some of the reasons you should invest in fireplace installation in St. Paul, MN.

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Certified Chimney Professionals Announces that 2nd Generation Chimneys has earned the Certified Chimney Professional Designation

April 3rd, 2021

East Bethel, MN – Certified Chimney Professionals, a national Chimney Sweeping Certification Board announces today that 2nd Generation Chimneys has achieved the Certified Chimney Professional (CCP) designation. 

The CCP course consists of a comprehensive chimney sweeping manual and independent testing.  CCP candidates receive training in the following subjects: Chimney inspections and inspection standards; science of fuels and combustion; heating and venting systems, cleaning of fireplaces, wood stoves, heaters, inserts, pellet stoves and masonry stoves.  Also included is cleaning of chimneys for oil/gas boilers and furnace systems as well as problems with the performance of chimneys and vents.

This in-depth program also includes the candidates study and knowledge of the NFPA 211; The National Fire Protections Association Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances – 2013 Edition.

All candidates for the CCP designation also agree to abide by a professional code of ethics.

“Our certifications are intended to fortify the experienced chimney professional’s knowledge, and to allow the experienced chimney professional the chance to prove by independent testing that they have attained a professional level of knowledge of the codes, standards and practices of a Certified Chimney Professional or a Certified Chimney Reliner and to achieve the designation” states Marshall Peters, Director of Certified Chimney Professionals.

Additionally, Mr. Peters asks the following questions:  “When it comes to fire, would you leave your home in the hands of just any guy with a ladder and a brush?  Why not instead, trust your chimney to a Certified Chimney Professional who has proven by independent testing that they have demonstrated a professional level knowledge of chimneys and vents.”

“We are pleased to announce that 2nd Generation Chimneys has achieved this CCP designation.”  states Mr. Peters further.

About Certified Chimney Professionals Certifications

CCP offers training materials, testing and certifications for both the Certified Chimney Professional and the Certified Chimney Reliner designation.

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Marshall Peters, Director

Certified Chimney Professionals




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Do You Need a Chimney Cap?

March 29th, 2021

Whether you have a gas fireplace or a wood-burning fireplace, you are going to have a chimney. There may be gas fireplaces out there made to function without a chimney, but these are still far less common than ones that do use chimneys.

Your chimney plays an important role in keeping your home safe. This is because it is responsible for siphoning gas and smoke out of your home, rather than allowing it to fill the room the fireplace is in. Keeping your chimney in good condition is important for your safety and your comfort–and a chimney cap can help you with this.

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Certified Chimney Professionals Announces that 2nd Generation Chimneys has Earned the Certified Chimney Reliner Designation

March 22nd, 2021

East Bethel, MN – Certified Chimney Professionals, a national Chimney Sweeping Certification Board announces today that 2nd Generation Chimneys has achieved the Certified Chimney Reliner (CCR) designation. 

The CCR course consists of a comprehensive chimney relining manual and independent testing.  CCR candidates receive training in the following subjects: Chimney inspections and inspection standards; chimney liners; general chimney relining; clay and ceramic liners; relining coatings; metal liners and metallurgy; cast-in-place liners; prefab and factory-built relining; gas/oil relining; insulation and UL standards.

This in-depth program also includes the candidates study and knowledge of the NFPA 211; The National Fire Protections Association Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances – 2013 Edition.

All candidates for the CCR designation also agree to abide by a professional code of ethics.

“Our certifications are intended to fortify the experienced chimney professional’s knowledge, and to allow the experienced chimney professional the chance to prove by independent testing that they have attained a professional level of knowledge of the codes, standards and practices of a Certified Chimney Professional or a Certified Chimney Reliner and to achieve the designation” states Marshall Peters, Director of Certified Chimney Professionals.

Additionally, Mr. Peters asks the following questions:  “When it comes to fire, would you leave your chimney relining in the hands of just any guy with a chimney pipe?  Why not instead, trust your chimney to a Certified Chimney Reliner who has proven by independent testing that they have demonstrated a professional level knowledge of chimney and vent relining.”

“We are pleased to announce that 2nd Generation Chimneys has achieved this CCR designation.”  states Mr. Peters further.

About Certified Chimney Professionals Certifications

CCP offers training materials, testing and certifications for both the Certified Chimney Professional and the Certified Chimney Reliner designation.

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Marshall Peters, Director

Certified Chimney Professionals



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We Can Help Clean Your Fireplace

March 15th, 2021

Are you getting a jumpstart on your spring cleaning to-do list? If so, we applaud you! But we also want to make sure that your fireplace doesn’t miss out on the benefits of this yearly cleaning activity. It can be easy to forget sometimes but, no matter which type of fireplace you have, you really do need to schedule a regular fireplace cleaning in Minneapolis, MN to keep things in working order.

Before you grab the dust rag and vacuum though, we want to make sure you understand that fireplace cleaning isn’t something to do on your own. While many homeowners know how to do some tasks, such as clearing out their ash dump if they have a wood-burning fireplace, cleaning your fireplace is a job best left to the professionals. Let us explain how we can help and why it is important to let a technician be the one to help clean things up.

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Why Chimney Sweeping Is an Important Service

March 1st, 2021

Spring is right around the corner which means that spring cleaning is probably starting to pop up in conversation. Don’t forget to include your chimney in your cleaning to-do list. You should, of course, keep the exterior of the fireplace dusted and clear of debris. And if you have a wood-burning fireplace, you’ll need to make sure the firebox itself is kept as clean as possible too. But chimney sweeping is a more intense and intricate process that requires the help of a professional, not just a dust rag and some elbow grease.

While we do admire the tenacity of anyone who wants to try to clean their chimney on their own, we don’t advise it. Chimney sweeping in Minneapolis, MN is a job best left to a professional chimney sweep like those on the team at 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Here’s why this is a task for a trained individual and why it is important for you to get it done ASAP.

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3 Reasons To Love Your Chimney Sweep

February 15th, 2021

There is a lot that needs to be taken care of in regard to your chimney. The best option you have is to schedule service regularly to keep your chimney and your fireplace in optimal shape. The person who performs this service is going to be your chimney sweep.

A chimney sweep is a professional that you can rely on. While you likely won’t have a chorus line on your rooftop when you schedule a service, you can rest assured that the individual performing your chimney sweeping in Edina, MN will know exactly what they are doing.

Scheduling professional chimney sweeping services is great for your peace of mind and your safety. Here are some reasons why.

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Chimney Flue Troubles Shouldn’t Be Ignored

February 1st, 2021

When you look at a chimney made of bricks, would you imagine that there is another component inside of it that is vital to the whole system? Chances are that unless you’ve dealt with a chimney flue before, you may not realize that the chimney is nearly the exterior “covering.”

Today’s chimneys have a tube within them known as a flue. This part is vital to your ability to use your fireplace safely and easily. As you can imagine, you’d want to reach out for help from an expert when something goes wrong with your chimney flue. Here is why a problem with your flue is well worth a call to professionals to schedule chimney repair in Minneapolis, MN.

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Don’t Let Your Fireplace Fall Apart

January 18th, 2021

Everyone has their own design styles for their home. Maybe you look a more modern look in your home or perhaps you opt for vintage decor. Whatever you choose, you deserve to have a fireplace that works with your style rather than against it. With that said, a fireplace that seems to be falling apart is NOT a great way to give your home that “vintage” feel. In fact, it can be dangerous.

Whether it is a gas fireplace insert or a traditional wood-burning fireplace, if you notice that it looks like your fireplace could turn into a pile of bricks with a strong breeze, you should be concerned. You’ll want to schedule a fireplace inspection in Bloomington, MN to have a professional assess this part of your home and put together a plan to restore it before it puts you in danger.

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Should You Go For a Gas Fireplace?

January 4th, 2021

Have you ever gotten into one of those debates with a friend over whether physical books or a digital reader was better? They both accomplish the same goal (letting you read that new book) but many people maintain that the experience is very different. We can get into discussions just like this about wood-burning and gas fireplaces.

When you are getting ready to schedule a fireplace installation in Bloomington, MN, you may find yourself faced with this same debate. Which option is better? Most people have their own opinions. But we aren’t here to debate, we’re here to help you learn more about the option you may know the least about: gas fireplaces.

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