2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Fireplace’ Category

Why Does Your Fireplace Smoke?

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

cat-fireplace-hearthNothing is quite as relaxing on a cold winter night at home as lighting a fire in your fireplace and cozying up. Unless, of course, your fireplace sends smoke pouring back into your home. Not only is this unexpected; it’s a health and safety hazard as well. If you’re tired of this happening so often when you use your fireplace, we may have some solutions.

Below, find out what may be causing your fireplace to smoke when you light a fire, and some possible remedies to the situation. Otherwise, call our team for comprehensive chimney and fireplace services in Minneapolis, MN.

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Burning the Right Wood in Your Fireplace

Monday, January 9th, 2017

Choosing the wrong firewood can result in an inefficient winter—and you may run out of fuel quickly. Alternatively, the wrong firewood may mean the fire does not burn hot enough, or there could even be a serious safety issue.

Make sure you have the right firewood, seasoned appropriately, to get you through the winter (or reconsider using the fireplace!).

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Preparing Your Fuel Supply for the Fireplace

Monday, October 3rd, 2016

Homeowners in Minneapolis are nearly ready to start their fireplaces and feel the cozy warmth they can bring. But first, they’ll have to make sure they have the right fuel for the job. Is your firewood ready for use in your fireplace? Check out our guide for preparing your fuel supply, and don’t start your fireplace unless you feel confident you have properly sized, well-seasoned firewood on hand.

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Is Your Fireplace Making Summer Cooling Costs Higher?

Monday, June 20th, 2016

Your fireplace is great in the winter, but it has nothing to do with how comfortable you feel in the summer, right? Actually, a fireplace can affect your home cooling costs significantly, if it’s not properly maintained. If you don’t have a good damper in the chimney, you might be spending way more on air conditioning than you have to.

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7 Easy Safety Tips for Using a Fireplace

Monday, March 14th, 2016

Fireplaces add a beautiful touch to any home, but despite the elegance it can add to your living room, it seems wasted if you never really use it. You deserve to get warm and cozy in front of a fireplace, but you also want to keep your family members safe. Here, we offer some of the easiest ways to be sure you’re using your chimney and fireplace in the safest possible way.

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5 Things to Know Before Lighting a Fire in Your Fireplace

Monday, January 25th, 2016

At 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc., we are committed to your comfort and, more importantly, your safety. In order to ensure both of these things, there are a few things you should know about your fireplace and chimney.

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Fireplace Safety for the Holiday Season

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015

Far too many accidents occur during the holiday season, a time that should be set aside to rejoice and celebrate. Setting up holiday lights and other decorations is a task responsible for a number of burns, shocks, and falls, but perhaps an even bigger risk to your well-being is when something goes wrong in the fireplace. Prevent fireplace hazards with our list of safety tips, and have a happy holiday season—from all of us here at 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc.!

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3 Things Responsible Wood-Burning Fireplace Owners Do

Monday, June 8th, 2015

A wood-burning stove or fireplace adds a decorative touch to a room and can provide a warm, cozy area for family to gather. But many people do not always use their wood-burning appliances properly, which can lead to dangerous conditions as well as reduced efficiency. Responsible wood-burning stove and fireplace owners are conscious of the type of wood they burn, the way they build a fire, and how often they schedule service. See why this is in our guide.

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Signs That Would Indicate You Need Fireplace Repair

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

A fireplace is often a welcome addition to your home, helping you save money on heating bills while providing a cozy and pleasant atmosphere in the bargain. Fireplaces are practically necessities in cold weather cities like Eden Prairie, MN. It is essential fireplace repair service providers must respond quickly to an issue, especially during the winter months when homeowners use it as often as possible. You can maintain your fireplace for many years with routine cleaning and maintenance. But eventually, your fireplace is bound to require a little more care.

Here are a few signs that would indicate you need fireplace repair.

The first and most obvious sign of trouble is when smoke backs up from the fireplace into your home. That means that the chimney is either blocked or has suffered damage that make it unable to do its job. There are many possible causes for this. Creosote could build up inside the chimney, birds can build nests in it during the warm season, leaves and other debris could clog it up, and the chimney itself may have suffered structural damage.

A similar but distinct issue concerns poor draw, which takes place when a chimney isn’t tall enough, isn’t wide enough, or doesn’t have sufficient air flow to pull the smoke up when a fire is lit. The effects are similar – a room full of smoke – but correcting it may involve more serious chimney repairs instead of just a thorough cleaning.

You may also experience issues of excessive draft: when too much air comes down your chimney, chilling your home and even putting out a fire you’re trying to light. In many cases, this is caused by external factors, such as a chimney built too low behind a nearby structure or the presence of trees too close to the chimney.

Regardless of the causes, these signs definitely indicate that you need fireplace repair. That means dealing with the issue before the snows falls. Eden Prairie fireplace repair falls under the purveyance of 2nd Generation Chimneys. We can perform a thorough inspection, then advise you on the best way to solve your fireplace problems. Contact us today to set up an appointment.

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Fireplace Repair in Minneapolis and St Paul

Friday, May 17th, 2013

If you have a fireplace in your home then you likely use it on a regular basis in order to stay comfortable and also to add ambiance to your home. All that use can really take a toll on your fireplace. If you’re having any issues with your unit call the Minneapolis fireplace repair professionals at 2nd Generation Chimneys. We know how important it is for you to stay comfortable in your home which is why we thought it would be good to put together some of the more common fireplace repairs that we see.

Common Fireplace Repairs

Here at 2nd Generation Chimney we’ve responded to countless calls for Minneapolis fireplace repair. These are a few of the most common issues that we see.

  • Smokey fireplace – When you turn on your fireplace does it produce a lot of smoke? This is a common problem and can be caused by a number of different issues. One of the most common problems is a dirty chimney. If your chimney is dirty it could mean that the smoke isn’t able to efficiently exit. Also, this could also be caused by problems with your flue. The Minneapolis fireplace repair experts at 2nd Generation Chimney can get your system back up and working again soon.
  • Fireplace leaking water – If your fireplace is leaking water it could be a serious problem. This problem is often caused by water freezing in your chimney and then melting. Over time, it will cause the mortar and bricks to separate and allow rain or snow to get in.
  • Fireplace not lighting – If your fireplace isn’t lighting properly it could mean that your home isn’t comfortable. Call the Minneapolis fireplace repair professionals at 2nd Generation today.

No matter what type of fireplace you have or what kind of problem you’re having the experts at 2nd Generation Chimney can help. Give us a call today and one of our friendly technicians can get you back up running again fast.

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