2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Chimney’ Category

5 Tips for Holiday Fireplace & Chimney Safety

Monday, December 21st, 2020

Who doesn’t like to enjoy a nice warm fire when celebrating the holidays? Whether it is just yourself and your immediate family members at home, or you are having some guests over to celebrate over dinner, a good fire in the fireplace makes the mood that much nicer and warmer.

With that said, we want to make sure that nothing goes wrong while you are enjoying yourselves or after the festivities are over. There are several things that you should know to do in order to keep your home safe when it comes to your fireplace and chimney use. Using these tips, you should be able to enjoy a safe and warm season without worrying about trouble from your fireplace.

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Best Practices For Chimney Use

Monday, December 7th, 2020

Your chimney is an important part of your home, even if you only get to see a little bit of it. Without a chimney, your fireplace would simply spout smoke and ash into your home, rather than outside. That is both messy and dangerous! So you have a lot to thank your chimney for when you want to warm things up with a nice fire on a cold night.

With all that said, it can be a good thing to take note of the best practices you can put into use whenever you use your fireplace and, by default, your chimney. We have some of these best practices listed here for you to learn a bit more about so you can enjoy the best use of this system in your home.

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Chimney Sweeping Is a Job for Pros

Monday, November 9th, 2020

Most of us have watched the iconic “Mary Poppins” movie scene with dancing chimney sweeps hopping from roof to roof and covered in soot. While chimney sweeps around here might be a little less magical, that doesn’t make them any less important. This is because chimney sweeping is a job that is best left to the professionals (that’s us) to ensure your comfort and safety.

It may not come across as a job that requires a lot of skill (you know how to sweep after all) but this couldn’t be further from the truth. The tools and knowledge required for proper chimney sweeping in Minneapolis, MN are only going to be found with a trained professional. That is why you should always reach out to 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. to keep your chimney and fireplace clean and clear.

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Why is My Chimney Leaking?

Monday, October 26th, 2020

Things are cooling off which makes it the perfect time to enjoy a warm mug of tea and a book by the fireplace. At least, it would be if your chimney wasn’t letting water and cold air leak into your home.

This is already a bothersome situation and we don’t want to make it worse but we want you to know, a leaking chimney is a problem. In fact, if your chimney is leaking it means you need to reach out to our team for chimney repair in Minneapolis, MN as soon as you can. We can help you figure out what is causing this issue and get it resolved as well.

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How Chimney Cleaning Helps You

Monday, October 12th, 2020

Fall is finally here and you know what that means–it is time to decorate with some autumnal and Halloween themed décor if you haven’t already started! That’s right, you can break out the leaf wreaths, the pumpkins, and the cuddly blankets. But before you set everything up for the fall season, you likely will want to clean up a bit to make sure you aren’t adding dust onto dust.

While you are in the process of cleaning up around the house, it may be a great time to make sure that your chimney is ready for the fall season too. While, yes, the mantle might be ideal for that spooky vampire figurine, we are talking more about chimney cleaning in Edina, MN, rather than your dusting habits.

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Don’t Forget to Have Your Chimney Cleaned

Monday, August 31st, 2020

chimney-cleaningWe know that summer is still in full swing and no one in the area is thinking about lighting up a hearty fire in their fireplace for a while. This makes now the perfect time to get your chimney cleaned! When you don’t need the use of your fireplace and your chimney, it means that you don’t have to worry about interrupting the warmth in your home to safely clean your chimney and provide chimney repair in St. Paul, MN if they are needed.

If you haven’t gotten your chimney cleaning taken care of just yet, don’t delay getting it done! You don’t want to get caught with a dirty chimney when you really want to be enjoying a nice warm fire.

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Chimney Pressure Problems

Monday, July 20th, 2020

The temperatures are up and your fireplace is now doing its best to add environmental aesthetic to your home, rather than warmth. Whether it is gas-powered or wood-burning, it is likely that this system in your home will be dormant for a few months. This does not, however, mean that your chimney should go unchecked. A chimney that has been used all fall and winter, and maybe some spring, still needs to be inspected for potential problem causers? Why? Because any issues that go unchecked can put your safety at risk.

We want you to be able to enjoy your fireplace and chimney all-year-round but to do that you need to make sure you schedule a chimney inspection with our team to keep your system in a safe condition. Otherwise, you may run into some potentially dangerous problems such a negative air pressure in your chimney.

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Have You Scheduled a Chimney Inspection?

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

chimney-needs-repairSummer is in full swing and it isn’t likely that you are going to be using your fireplace and chimney for the next several months. With that said, this doesn’t mean that your chimney should be completely off your mind. Much like checking on a car that hasn’t been used for a few months to ensure it is still in working condition, you should want to make sure that your fireplace and chimney aren’t deteriorating while not in use.

This time of year is actually when you want to take the time to schedule a chimney inspection. After all, getting a professional out to check on your chimney when you aren’t using it and don’t need it makes things a lot easier for both you and the technician!

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Is That Smell Coming From Your Fireplace?

Monday, June 8th, 2020

You don’t have to be using your fireplace to notice it has a problem. Just opening the damper to check things out and see if there is a reason to call in a professional can lead to a discovery that something is up. Of course, even if you aren’t checking on your chimney out of habit, you might be led to look into its upkeep by a strange smell that seems to be coming from it.

There are several different potential causes for chimney smells and none of them are good. This applies to both gas and wood-burning fireplaces too so whatever type you have and wherever it is located, this article is meant for you. A stinking chimney isn’t one you should ignore because it will only get worse!

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How to Handle Chimney Squatters

Monday, May 25th, 2020


Springtime is in full swing and summer is right around the corner. You can always tell that winter has ended because of the sudden increase of blooming plants, flourishing foliage, and an abundance of furry and feathered critters around the area. It is always a treat to sit on your porch or in your backyard and hear the birds chirping away in the trees or watch squirrels run around in the grass. Spring is always a season full of life that is thriving just outside your door.

And as cute as those squirrels are you probably want them to stay outside.

While springtime and summer are both wonderful times of the year thanks to the great weather and extra sunshine, they can also be seasons during which you start having problems with your animal neighbors because you don’t see eye to eye–where you see a chimney and fireplace built to keep you warm, they see a great place for a nest and a new home.

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