2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Chimney’ Category

Cold Air? It Might Be Time for Chimney Restoration

Monday, February 18th, 2019

chimney-masonry-worn-brickIt’s February in Minnesota, which means winter isn’t letting up anytime soon. With the extreme weather we’ve been having in the Midwest lately, it’s no secret that our fireplaces have been used quite a bit. Of course, during this time of year, we expect our fireplaces to be efficient and effective, so what happens when cold air starts to seep through your chimney and directly into your home?

If your chimney is old or worn out, it is likely time for chimney repair in St. Paul, MN. More specifically though, we are talking about chimney restoration. Chimneys, although built to withstand stress, sometimes need restoration work. It is important for homeowners to be aware of the signs that suggest it is time for chimney restoration, so below, we have outlined a few of them. Keep reading below to learn more. 

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Do You Have a Leaky Chimney?

Monday, December 24th, 2018

Water entering your home is certainly a cause for alarm. Inclement weather can make our homes especially susceptible to leaks and water damage. Most homeowners are unaware that their chimneys can be a potential site of a leak in their homes. Your chimney receives exposure to the elements: wind, rain, snow, sleet, etc. Winters here in Minnesota are especially brutal, so in this part of the country, your chimney is more susceptible to damage. Water entering through leaks in a chimney will freeze during the winter, and as the water expands when it turns into ice, it will cause even larger cracks.

A leaky chimney could spell significant damage to your home and property and leave your chimney vulnerable to further damage. It is important that you contact a chimney professional right away to seal up any leaks that might exist. Sometimes a chimney leak can be difficult to spot, so below, we’ve provided you with some of the signs that indicate your chimney is leaking.

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What You Must Know About Creosote

Monday, October 15th, 2018

chimney-fire-top-bottomFireplaces are safe to use, provided that you use them right. That means more than being careful when building up your fire, stoking it, and cleaning out the hearth. It also means having your chimney cleaned regularly by trained, qualified professionals. Why? Because if you ignore this vital service long enough, it’s not just the performance of your fireplace that will suffer. It could also very well be your safety. We are not just saying this to alarm you.

We are going to talk a bit about creosote today, so that you understand what it is, why it builds up, and why you need to have it cleaned out of your chimney. Failure to do so can put you and your family in a dangerous situation, and it won’t be the fault of the fireplace. It will be user error, if not total negligence. So read on, contact us with any questions that you may have, and remember that you can count on our team for great chimney cleaning services in Minneapolis, MN.

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Now Is a Good Time for That Chimney Inspection!

Monday, September 17th, 2018

vanYou do not need us to remind you that the biting cold of the winter season is coming.

Nonetheless, we want to remind you that the biting cold of the winter season is coming! 

If you are anything like the rest of our clients, then you are eager to start firing up the, well, fires in your fireplace. And you certainly do not need to wait for winter to officially start before doing so.

You do, however, need to wait until you’ve had your chimney inspected before doing so.

Now, we know what you may be thinking.

Hey, I’m lookin’ right at my chimney—and it looks fine!

We don’t really want to remind you that looks can be deceiving.

Nonetheless, we want to remind you that looks can be deceiving! 

You need to have your chimney swept out every year, and a level 1 chimney inspection in Minneapolis, MN should always be a part of that service. However, there is really more to chimney inspection to this.

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Animals Will Seek Shelter in Chimneys This Winter!

Monday, September 3rd, 2018

chimneyThere is a lot to love about winter, from snowshoeing and ice fishing to skiing trips and snowmobiling. It really can be a very fun time of the year for the outdoorsmen and women among us. Even the most rugged individuals, however, and even those with the best gear on the market, look forward to coming home to a warm, comfortable environment at the end of the day. The critters outside are not all that different in this regard.

Of course, it can be more difficult for those critters to find warm, comfortable shelter—unless, that is, your chimney is available! Now, we know that there are a lot of animal lovers out there, and we don’t want to think about those cute little fellas being stuck outside in extreme cold. But you also really don’t want them setting up shop in your chimney, either. That is why you want to schedule your animal removal services in Minneapolis, MN with our team.

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Signs That Your Chimney Is in Trouble!

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

thumbs-upIn the age of not only combustion boilers and furnaces but also modern technology like heat pumps and ductless mini splits, there are undoubtedly those individuals that look upon the old-fashioned fireplace/chimney combo as being a relic from the past. Those of us fortunate enough to have a well-designed and properly maintained fireplace/chimney setup, however, know different. Not only is the heat generated comforting, but the ambiance is incredibly relaxing.

Of course, that roaring fire is going to be a lot more difficult to enjoy if your chimney is not in great working condition. Even worse, you may not be able to use your fireplace safely if it is not functioning properly! The last thing that you want to do is to put your safety—and that of your family—at risk when simply trying to use the fireplace in your home. So read on, learn about some warning signs that may mean you need chimney repair in St. Paul, MN, and give us a call with any concerns that you may have.  

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Interior and Exterior Spark Arrestors—What’s the Difference?

Monday, July 9th, 2018

police-fireman-doctorWell, let me guess. One is inside, and one is outside, right? Haha, very funny. Sure, you may have a basic grasp of the difference between any components of any system when one is designated as “exterior” and the other “interior”. However, chances are that you may not even understand what a spark arrestor is, let alone how one functions (or should be installed, for that matter). Well, the answer is actually quite simple, so just read on.

As always, we want to remind you that any fireplace services in Minneapolis, MN must be completed by skilled, trained professionals. The last thing that you want to do is pull up an online video and suddenly mistake yourself for being some kind of expert! Work with the professional technicians on our staff, and you’ll be able to use your fireplace safely and reliably. And now, without further ado, let’s take a look at those different types of arrestors that you’re so curious about! 

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What Do I Need to Clean My Chimney Myself?

Monday, May 14th, 2018

question-mark-blueReady to get your hands dirty? We hope so, because chimney cleaning can be a messy job! Of course, since we would never advise you to clean your chimney on your own, it’s only our hands that are going to be getting messy. We apologize for the fakeout, but there is absolutely no circumstance in which you are going to be able to clean your chimney on your own.

Chimneys may seem very straightforward. It’s just a brick tube jutting up through your house, right? Well, no. Not at all, really. If that were the case, then water would be pouring into your home when it rained, you’d have smoke blowing into your living space, and so on. It’s not just a matter of knowing how chimneys are designed and laid out, though. It is also a matter of knowing how to navigate that chimney in order to do a thorough job of cleaning it—not to mention having the tools to do so onhand.

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Is Your Chimney Welcoming In Unwanted Visitors?

Tuesday, May 8th, 2018

snowy-chimneyWhat do you immediately think of when it comes to problems with your chimney? Is it damage caused by rainwater? Perhaps issues stemming from freezing, then warmer, then freezing temperatures? Or maybe simply a chimney that is not venting smoke properly? While these are all certainly cause for concern, there is another problem that many homeowners don’t really think about until it is too late.

That problem? Animals setting up shop in your chimney. Sure, the idea of a little critter hunkering down in your chimney may bring to mind the animated films of your youth, but the reality of the situation is far less pleasant. If you do have animals infiltrating your chimney, let us know right away. Our animal removal specialists are here to get those critters out and to prevent them from coming back.

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Fireplace FAQ: What’s Up with This Smoke?

Monday, April 16th, 2018

smoke-detectorSome homeowners rely on their fireplaces as their main heat source. Others just cannot resist the cozy comfort that cuddling up with a cup of tea and a good book next to the fireplace can provide.  Regardless of how much you use your fireplace, and regardless of what its main function in your home may be, you need your fireplace to function properly at all times. That means burning wood effectively and removing smoke from the home reliably.

So why does it seem like your home is taking in smoke when you burn wood in your fireplace in Minneapolis, MN? There are actually quite a few reasons why this may be the case. That is why working with a professional and experienced fireplace contractor is so important. You need the problem diagnosed accurately before it can be resolved successfully, after all. Here are a few reasons why your home may be a bit hazy when burning wood.

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