2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Chimney’ Category

A Bad Damper Can Be Dangerous

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

There are many parts to a modern chimney and fireplace set-up that might be taken for granted. Believe it or not, today’s chimneys are far more advanced than their predecessors of 50 or even 100 years ago. This is hard-won knowledge too.

One of the great parts of your chimney that you may want to pay more attention to is your damper. Yes, your damper. This part of your chimney places an important role in keeping things running right. Here’s what you need to know about your damper…and what can go wrong with it.

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Safety Tips To Remember When Using Your Fireplace

Monday, December 6th, 2021

It is the best time of the year to use your fireplace. Whether you have a gas-powered one or a wood-burning one, this part of your home can make everything warmer and cozier on the coldest of days.

Nothing can ruin a nice cozy evening near the fireplace faster than a safety hazard. Unfortunately, as more people start using their fireplaces, more people also discover the different ways something can go wrong with their fireplace.

We want you to enjoy the next several months of using your fireplace without any stress. That’s why we want to review some vital safety tips for using your fireplace and chimney.

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Why You Should Add a Chimney Cap to Your Chimney

Monday, November 8th, 2021

A chimney is meant to serve as an exit route for any of the byproducts created by your fireplace, from ash to combustion gases. With this in mind, it may seem a little counterintuitive to put a cap on your chimney. Wouldn’t that mess with the flow of things out of your home? What’s the point of adding a cap to your chimney anyways?

Our team of technicians is here to give you the answers you need to make an informed decision. Whether you are new to having a fireplace and chimney, or you just haven’t heard about chimney caps before, we are here to help. Let’s dive in to discuss how chimney caps can be helpful in keeping your chimney in good shape.

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What Are Spalling Bricks?

Monday, October 11th, 2021

Having a chimney that is made with masonry is something that a lot of people love. We love them too–they are quite visually enjoyable, after all. Even chimneys that are on the older side can still be pleasing to the eye. But a “vintage” look can sometimes actually be a sign of a problem.

If you have a chimney with bricks that are in bad shape, it may mean that you need to schedule chimney repair in St. Paul, MN. This is especially important if you notice spalling bricks on your chimney.

Here is what you need to know about getting chimney repairs for problematic masonry.

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How Chimney Sweeping Helps

Monday, September 27th, 2021

We are headed into fall at this point and our nights are getting colder. Maybe you’ve found yourself thinking about getting a nice warm fire going one evening soon. We say break out the cozy blankets and your favorite book or movie to really make things enjoyable. However, before you do all that, we have to ask, have you had your chimney cleaned yet?

Chimney sweeping in Minneapolis, MN is one of the most important jobs to have taken care of at the beginning of the cold weather season. If you are scheduling work for a heater, you should be looking at getting your chimney checked out if you haven’t already. Here’s why:

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Your Damper Is Important All Year Long

Monday, August 16th, 2021

The way that the modern fireplace and chimney are set up ensures you can enjoy this part of your home without it posing a risk to your health or safety. This is a far cry from fireplaces throughout history that left smokey residue on ceilings and filled rooms with harmful gas.

Part of the reason that fireplaces are so much safer and more reliable now is due to the way they are structured. A vital part of this structure is the damper. The role the damper plays in your use of your fireplace is a highly important one. This makes it just as important to make sure to address issues with your damper with prompt chimney repair in St. Paul, MN.

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The Benefits of Regular Chimney Sweeping

Monday, August 2nd, 2021

Millions of homeowners in the US rely on chimneys to keep their homes warm and comfortable during winter. However, you need to maintain and clean the chimneys properly. Neglecting the fireplace and chimneys can cause you unnecessary stress and it can lead to property damage that requires thousands of dollars to fix. 

In this blog, we cover the many benefits of regular chimney sweeping in Plymouth, MN that help keep your home nice and comfortable throughout the year.

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Is Chimney Sweeping Mandatory?

Monday, July 5th, 2021

Your chimney is vital to the use of your fireplace. But now that it is summer, you don’t need to worry about your chimney for a while, right? Well, yes and no.

While you aren’t exactly using your fireplace and chimney right now, it may be the best time to give your chimney an important bit of care. We posed the question as to whether or not chimney sweeping in Edina, MN. While no one is going to show up at your door and force you to let them clean out your chimney, we do strongly recommend you opt to have this service done if you haven’t already.

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Don’t Ignore Chimney Problems, Even In Summer

Monday, June 21st, 2021

We are rounding into the summer season. That means warm days and nights and likely very little time wanting to be spent by the fire. So, you’ve (hopefully) closed the damper and shut the grill to give your fireplace a break for a few months. Done and dusted right?

Not quite.

While you may not be using your chimney or fireplace for a little while it would be a good idea to still pay attention to how this part of your home is doing. Let’s say you already got your fireplace cleaned and pristine. Great. How is that chimney doing? If you neglect it for several months without checking for any outstanding problems, you may be in trouble come fall.

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The Importance of Having a Professional Cleaning Your Chimney

Monday, May 24th, 2021

Would you let an amateur clean your teeth? Or would you make a DIY attempt at a major repair on your car? We certainly hope the answer to these questions would be no!

Some jobs are best left to the professionals. In the examples we just listed, you should visit a dentist or a car mechanic who is trained and licensed to perform the work your need. The same concept applies when it comes to cleaning your chimney. You need to work with a professional.

Professional services for your chimney aren’t just recommended, they’re necessary for the sake of your chimney’s wellbeing and yours too. Let’s look at the difference a professional can make when they perform your chimney cleaning in Minneapolis, MN.

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