2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Chimney’ Category

Can I Do My Own Chimney Cleaning?

Monday, August 14th, 2023

On this site, we emphasize the importance of having regular chimney and chimney flue cleaning in Minneapolis, MN. We recommend a yearly cleaning along with a Level 1 chimney inspection to ensure the chimney is free of buildup of creosote and anything that may block it, and to check for possible damage and wear that needs repairs.

But are professionals like ours really necessary? You might wonder if you can clean the chimney yourself. Maybe you can find an online video tutorial. With a face mask, a set of old clothes, tarps on the ground, a few scrubbers on long handles, and a bit of elbow grease, you should be able to get the job done. Right…?

Although we encourage you to handle some chimney maintenance tasks on your own, the actual job of cleaning a chimney is something to leave to the professionals. We’ll explain why below.

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Yes, Gas Fireplaces Need Regular Inspections

Monday, July 17th, 2023

We’ve often talked about the importance of having regular fireplace and chimney inspections for any home that has a fireplace. Standard Level 1 inspections make sure a chimney can vent properly and that there isn’t a potentially dangerous buildup of creosote that can lead to a fire.

However, we’ve often found that people who have gas fireplaces rather than wood-burning fireplaces think they don’t need these regular inspections. After all, gas fireplaces burn cleanly, without the concern of the buildup of creosote and soot, so why would they require routine inspections from professionals?

The answer is in the title: gas fireplaces absolutely need to have regular inspections. We’ll explain why a routine fireplace and chimney inspection in Plymouth, MN is necessary even if you aren’t burning wood logs in the fireplace.

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Just What Is Chimney Sweeping?

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

Because people often have an old-fashioned image of soot-covered men with brooms in Victorian London in their mind when they hear “chimney sweeping,” they often dismiss this job as old-fashioned and unnecessary. But chimney sweeping is just another way of saying “chimney cleaning,” and this is absolutely something a chimney needs to receive on a regular basis.

We offer chimney sweeping in Plymouth, MN and throughout the Twin Cities, and we’d like to take this opportunity to give you a short primer on just what chimney sweeping is and why it’s important.

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Signs That It’s Time to Schedule Chimney Cleaning

Monday, June 19th, 2023

There’s no season of the year that’s “best” for chimney cleaning—you can have it done at any time. However, you’ll find it easier to schedule during the warmer months when n you won’t miss the crackling warmth or coziness. 

A much tougher question than “What season should I have my chimney cleaned?” is “When do I need my chimney cleaned?” We recommend a regular schedule for chimney cleaning, but you may find yourself in a situation where the chimney needs it as soon as possible. We’re the experts when it comes to chimney cleaning in Saint Paul, MN, and we’d like to guide you through the major signs to watch for that will tell you it’s time to call us to arrange for this important service. 

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Common Misunderstandings People Have About Chimney Sweeping

Monday, June 5th, 2023

Most people’s ideas of chimney sweeping come straight from Mary Poppins. That’s definitely a romantic image, and it does reflect something of what this job was like in the Victorian era, when combustion fires were used everywhere and had such efficiency problems that cleaning was an almost continual job.

Chimney sweeping is still necessary today for homes with fireplaces, but unfortunately most people have a limited understanding of the job, how it’s done, why it’s done, and when it needs to be done. 

We’re long-time experts when it comes to chimney sweeping in Minneapolis, MN, and we’d like to go through some of the common misunderstandings people have about this job.

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What Is a Level 3 Chimney Inspection and When Do I Need One?

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

In our previous blog, we discussed when you need a chimney inspection and the three different levels of inspection. These levels are established by the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) and are standardized to ensure that homeowners receive the inspections necessary for the situation and to protect their households. 

When you’re looking to have a chimney inspection in Minneapolis, MN, you’ll probably only need a Level 1 inspection, which is the standard inspection for a chimney that hasn’t experienced any major problems and is receiving regular use. It consists of inspections of all accessible parts of the chimney to look for cracks, creosote, and structural damage—anything that might trigger a repair need or a higher level of inspection. 

In this post, we’re going to look at the highest level of inspection, Level 3, because people want to know more about how in-depth it goes and why it’s often necessary.

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When to Get a Chimney Inspection

Monday, May 8th, 2023

Many important organizations, including the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, the US Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Fire Protection Association recommend regular chimney inspections to protect homes and the people in them.

You can’t do a chimney inspection on your own. There are many parts you can’t see unless you have special access and equipment. When you decide to have a chimney inspection in Saint Paul, we’re the professionals to call on for the job. 

But when should you have the job done? There are several situations where we recommend you schedule a chimney inspection.

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How to Tell If Your Need a Chimney Restoration

Monday, April 24th, 2023

Restoring a chimney may sound like a large job. Chimneys are usually made of brick and mortar, and doing an extensive restoration requires specialists with the right tools. But sometimes restoration is necessary to keep the chimney in proper shape so that it doesn’t become a possible danger to your house. If a chimney is deteriorating with age or neglect it can cause exhaust gases to enter the home, heat to escape the chimney and trigger fires, and even the chimney collapsing and taking part of the house with it.

We’re experts when it comes to chimney restoration in Minneapolis, MN. We’ve done this job since 2001, and we are one of the largest and most experienced chimney service companies in the country. If you need your chimney restored, you can trust our team for exceptional work. 

But how can you tell you have a chimney that needs restoration? We’ll look over six of the signs.

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What to Expect From a Chimney Inspection

Monday, March 27th, 2023

We often recommend that customers call us for a chimney inspection in Minneapolis, MN in the fall, before the winter arrives and the fireplace sees extensive use.

However, if you didn’t arrange for a chimney inspection before the winter, it isn’t too late to have it done. This isn’t a service you need to “catch” in time or just forget about—it’s vital you have your home’s chimney inspected by professionals annually. This helps to keep your fireplace and chimney safe, energy efficient, and working the way it should.

What happens when our experts come to your home for a chimney inspection? We’ll go over what you can expect.

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Why Chimney Cleaning Helps Keep You Safe

Monday, March 13th, 2023

Your chimney is supposed to provide a one-way exit route for the combustion gases and soot created by a fire in your fireplace. Your chimney may not be able to do this effectively if it’s dirty.

It may feel silly to think of a dirty chimney being a bad thing but it’s true. Over time, especially after a season of heavy use, your chimney flue may become so caked with debris that it starts to do the opposite of what it should. That’s why regular upkeep of your entire fireplace and chimney system is so important.

Let’s discuss the negative impact of a dirty chimney so you know if and when to schedule a chimney cleaning in Minneapolis, MN with our team.

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