2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Chimney Inspection’ Category

What to Expect From a Chimney Inspection

Monday, March 27th, 2023

We often recommend that customers call us for a chimney inspection in Minneapolis, MN in the fall, before the winter arrives and the fireplace sees extensive use.

However, if you didn’t arrange for a chimney inspection before the winter, it isn’t too late to have it done. This isn’t a service you need to “catch” in time or just forget about—it’s vital you have your home’s chimney inspected by professionals annually. This helps to keep your fireplace and chimney safe, energy efficient, and working the way it should.

What happens when our experts come to your home for a chimney inspection? We’ll go over what you can expect.

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Have You Scheduled a Chimney Inspection?

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

chimney-needs-repairSummer is in full swing and it isn’t likely that you are going to be using your fireplace and chimney for the next several months. With that said, this doesn’t mean that your chimney should be completely off your mind. Much like checking on a car that hasn’t been used for a few months to ensure it is still in working condition, you should want to make sure that your fireplace and chimney aren’t deteriorating while not in use.

This time of year is actually when you want to take the time to schedule a chimney inspection. After all, getting a professional out to check on your chimney when you aren’t using it and don’t need it makes things a lot easier for both you and the technician!

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What to Expect from a Chimney Inspection

Monday, December 23rd, 2019

Gathering around the fireplace during a cold evening, or waking up and having breakfast around your fireplace on a Saturday morning, is a great feeling. What isn’t great is when you realize that your fireplace is full of dust and grime, or that there is another problem within your chimney that could threaten the health of everyone in the house.

Taking care of your fireplace and your chimney is an important task. That is why we recommend yearly chimney inspections. An inspection can help to catch a potential problem before you end up needing to evacuate your home or replace your fireplace. But what exactly does a chimney inspection entail and why should you schedule one? We have the answers.

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We Use the Chim-Scan System for Chimney Inspections

Monday, December 5th, 2016

We want you to have a safe and happy holiday season. But an uninspected chimney can be a serious barrier to this. Spending the holidays around a warm, welcoming fire may seem like the perfect family time, but hidden dangers could lurk in the chimney and fireplace.

Routine chimney cleaning is a good way to protect your home, but it’s nothing without a complete inspection before and after. Call our team for more information about chimney cleaning services, and find out why we use the Chim-Scan video scanner below.

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Read This Before You Use Your Chimney

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016

You’re ready for the low temperatures to give you a chance to light a fire in your fireplace once again. A warm, welcoming fire can make a house feel like home. But don’t rush into using yours just yet. Before you get out the firewood, here are 4 things you should know before you start to use your chimney for the first time this year.

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Spring and Summer Chimney Problems: What Might Come Up

Monday, June 6th, 2016

If you think that you can ignore your chimney and fireplace in the spring and summertime, think again. There are a number of problems that tend to come up in the summertime and spring, though some may be more noticeable than others. Here, we list some common problems, and why we think it’s so important to stay on top of chimney inspections and making sure your chimney is safe all year round.

What Can Happen in the Spring and Summer

In the off-period for your chimney and fireplace, new problems can still appear. Or, older problems can start to reveal themselves, especially if it’s been a long time since you’ve scheduled an inspection and cleaning. Here are some examples:

  • Smells in the chimney – In the summer, smells from animal droppings or creosote become more obvious thanks to the humidity in the air.
  • Excessive creosote – This is a dangerous problem you might start to notice in the summer, and it can allow a chimney fire to ignite and spread to your home. Have your chimney cleaned each and every year to eliminate this danger.
  • Structural problems – Structural problems with the masonry of a chimney may help a fire to spread to the outside of a home. Some may think they add “charm” but remember than this charm could be short-lived.
  • Unwanted guests – One common problem that comes up in warm weather is the presence of critters like rodents or birds in the chimney. While bird nest removal of some species may be illegal as long as the nest is active, you can call in a technician afterwards to help you prevent the problem in the future.

What You Should Do

We cannot reiterate this enough: work with a quality chimney and fireplace contractor to have your chimney cleaned out each and every year. And schedule inspections if you suspect a structural problem. It helps you feel better about your family’s safety. And you can be prepared to use your fireplace in the winter.

Call 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. for chimney cleaning and inspections in Minneapolis, MN.

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Checking Your Chimney for Creosote

Monday, May 30th, 2016

Creosote is one of the most dangerous things you can find inside of a chimney. And yet, it builds up naturally as you burn a fire in your fireplace. There are steps you can take to lessen the buildup and impact of creosote, a black, tarlike substance that is highly combustible. And you should also know what to look for to tell if your creosote problem is out of control.

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Think You’re Ready to Use Your Fireplace? Do This First!

Monday, January 4th, 2016

You’ve gone all season without using your fireplace. But as temperatures continue to drop, the holidays wind down, and snow falls around your home, you feel compelled to enjoy a cozy night relaxing near the fire.

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The Basics of a Basic Level 1 Chimney Inspection

Monday, August 3rd, 2015

Perhaps you did not notice anything unusual with your chimney or fireplace the last time you used it. Even so, your chimney still deserves attention from a professional chimney technician, who can make sure it is safe to use for the upcoming heating season. A chimney may not have many moving parts, but that doesn’t mean it cannot run into trouble. Chimney fires are responsible for a large number of home fires each year, and regular Level 1 inspections help to prevent this from happening to your house.

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How Your Chimney Damper Saves You Money in the Summer

Monday, July 20th, 2015

Most people do not show too much concern for their chimneys in the summertime. But summer gives you a perfect opportunity to work on this part of your home. You’re not using it, technicians aren’t busy at this time of year, and they’ll have more time to focus on your chimney.  Scheduling chimney cleaning protects your home from fires as well. And one chimney service can even save you money on cooling costs: damper installation or repair.

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